Are you paying attention to synchronicity?

Today I was teaching a class on How to Write a Book and Sell More Copies Online when a student, Alan, made the following observation:

When you begin paying attention to having similar thoughts as others such as:
– You are about to phone someone but that person calls you first
– You share the same birthday with another
– You wake up thinking of another and somehow you accidentally meet one another downtown

These are clues to slow down and have a serious conversation. You may find ways in which to help one another grow business, find a lead for your next job interview or build a great friendship.

Slowing down allows you to take in more of the world around you. And when you have increased serious discussions, you stand a far better chance of attracting more prospects, clients, sales and whatever else you are seeking. Sometimes your intuitive thought can be the best lead generator as it may clarify your marketing communications effort.

Entrepreneurs and job-seekers, you must pay attention to your dreams, daydreams and intuition. They give you an edge and will serve to put you in the leader/expert position.

The bonus in all of this is that by paying close attention, you are allowed the gift of speaking with someone, who at the time, is on the exact same wave length. Therefore, the opportunity for finding a solid connection is that much stronger. This is actually the perfect vehicle for business development turning into a Smooth Sale!

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