Solopreneur to collaborator creates stellar results

Day 19.06 Chicas
Creative Commons License photo credit: Frerieke

Where do you stand in the spectrum?

In the corporate world I was trained to keep success strategies to myself and proceed singly.  However as an entrepreneur, it became a lonely world not sharing office space with others or telling of our latest conquests.  I also thought there had to be a better way.

Social media came into being along with learning about collaboration.  At first it was hard to believe I could find a group of people with whom I wished to collaborate.  Upon joining Whispering Energy, it became evident collaboration was not only possible but that results would be exponential.  Check out the new schedule at

Business development, increased numbers of prospects turning into clients, and building my brand became far easier.  In fact it became fun working with like minded people motivating one another to succeed.  You may adapt the same concept to interviewing.  When you have a trusted group, you are more motivated to seek opportunity both for yourself and your friends.  Working in this manner, you are far more likely to hear, HIRED!

For those who wish to read more about relationship building and selling, I just learned for the time being, my book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, is rated #20 on Kindle for business-sales books.  

Increased ideas, friends on social media, and promoting events of one another turned the tide in a very down economy.  Implementing collaboration turned the stormy sea into a Smooth Sale!

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