Tips for closing more sales easily and smoothly!:
1. Exercise
2. Take a yoga class
3. Spend time outdoors
4. Be with family and/or friends
5. Celebrate holidays to the fullest meaning
6. Enjoy the holiday fare
7. Appreciate your place in the world and those surrounding you
8. Acknowledge how lucky you are
All of these tips contribute to a relaxed body and cheerful mindset. As you allow yourself to relax, a number of important changes take place. You change your tone and non-verbal marketing communication to a relaxed state and demonstrate you are easy to work with. Your prospects and clients sense the change and are more inclined to speak with you. As you communicate more as a friend trying to help and work genuinely to build the relationship, business development moves to auto-pilot and you will close more sales.
Additionally, when your mind is relaxed, it’s easier to focus on the bigger projects and make efficient use of your time. You will be viewed as an expert in your field. Add in a dose of outstanding customer service and your clientele will spread excellent word of mouth about you and your business.
These suggestions will all lead to a very Smooth Sale!