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How to Thrive Working in a Tough Environment
Many people realize that they need to take almost any job to earn a wage. Nobody likes working in a precarious, tough, or even dangerous environment. However, if you need to work in a toxic workplace or perform a particularly tough job, learning the skills for thriving in these environments can help in the job and in life. Our collaborative blog offers a few critical strategies for thriving in a demanding environment.
Thrive Working In a Tough Environment

Use the Opportunity to Learn New Skills
Sometimes, we cannot see the wood for the trees when we’re in a difficult job or we hate it fervently with passion; however, every moment is an opportunity to learn something new, and this can help in many ways.
For example, work in a medical environment where things can seem precarious or even potentially life-threatening daily. The skills you can learn at this juncture will help you in so many other parts of your life, not just now but forever. There are life-saving skills like CPR, but there are also other lessons you can learn, especially if you can get certifications that will look fantastic on your CV.
A bloodborne pathogens certification is one skill that will help you handle potentially infectious materials and the skills to handle hazardous situations properly. Bloodborne pathogens training can instill a massive sense of responsibility and preparedness, meaning that you can protect yourself and others effectively in the event of exposure and can benefit you in a whole heap of other industries, for example, law enforcement, education, or even in the tattoo and piercing industry.
Learning new transferable skills is a confidence booster that reminds us that what we’re currently doing is not the end of our career. A job is an opportunity to get paid and learn skills that you can take with you, but sometimes we can forget this. Even if you feel you might not be able to last on the job, learn as much as possible because your capabilities and confidence will benefit you.
Learn to Motivate Yourself
It is easy for us to depend on others and complain about working environments not supporting us. You should be the change you wish to see in the world, and the best place to begin is right where you are. Rather than depending on others to support you emotionally, take the opportunity to learn tactics that will keep you motivated and inspired.
When we feel like we’re drowning in an unsupportive and even toxic environment, we should do our best to escape it. For many people, the fact that they’re trying to escape is motivation enough to deal with what is going on. Still, you should double down on this and use tools like visualization and positive self-talk before you step into the environment every day to ensure that you have the mental and emotional fortitude to get you through the day.
Of course, there’s only so much we can do for ourselves. While exposing ourselves to micro doses of stress can boost our resilience, the fact is that doing a job that takes up a third of our existence is more than just a little dosage, which is why right now, using the lessons of how to motivate and inspire yourself can see you through other parts of life as well. We can often make the mistake of being too comfortable when, in fact, a little dose of discomfort is perfect for advancing our skill set. Use this discomfort to your advantage if you are in a challenging working environment.
Caution: Do recognize when it’s too much and significantly impacts your well-being.
Do You Need to Invest in What You Have?
We can hate our job for a multitude of reasons. We may not like the people, we have an overbearing line manager, or the job doesn’t pay enough. Sometimes, we can remind ourselves that while the job is tough, there is an opportunity to make a more significant impact than just beyond you or your team.
We often feel that we want to leave, and we focus so hard on this that we seldom recognize what the job is doing for us in less obvious ways. Yes, if you have a steady paycheck, perks, and the ability to help others in specific ways, you might want to change your mindset and ask yourself, “How can I stay but stay differently?”
Sometimes, growing our roots deeper can work wonders for our attitude and help us look beyond certain superficial things. Nobody’s job is perfect 100% of the time, but if you can see that specific benefits give you a reason to stay in the short term, this may override the desire to escape, at least for now.
Build Up a Financial Cushion
When we intensely dislike something hard, we need to get some form of benefit from it; otherwise, we become a glass-half-empty person. One of the best things we can do to take some form of control over our well-being, even if the working environment is not conducive to it, is to start building up a financial cushion through savings. This can give you the freedom to prioritize your well-being.
If the job becomes unbearable for many different reasons, focusing on the things that rejuvenate you can give you the skills to thrive. When you start to prioritize your well-being and actively and financially invest in it through savings, you can have the freedom to get up and go if you can’t abide it anymore.
Sometimes, feeling that we have power over our employer and knowing that we’ve got enough finances to see us through can help us feel more in the driving seat. Of course, we need to maintain our physical and emotional well-being through adequate nutrition and exercise. However, it’s essential to use the proper stress management techniques.
Improving Your Mindset and Mentality
Workplace stress is a serious matter, and it can significantly affect our mental health, resulting in symptoms like sleep disturbances and anxiety. Acknowledging that we are experiencing stress is the first step in managing it. Many people think it’s better to keep pushing through, but when we know the signs of poor mental health issues, especially when you are seeing other colleagues feeling the same way, this can validate those feelings, and recognizing this early on can lead to better support for yourself.
Sometimes, we need to vent at the end of the day, but we’ve got to be careful if we do this to a partner, as it can slowly, over time, take over. If you are struggling, seeking advice from medical professionals or a counselor may be necessary.
Improving our mindset and mentality will ensure that we can better deal with the work environment, but we still need to acknowledge that we are experiencing stress. In these challenging working environments, you may feel like you are the weak one and everybody else is doing just fine, but everybody deals with stress and anxiety in their way. The people who are belittling you may very well be in denial.
It’s important to remember that stress has unique adverse effects on our health. Knowing how to maintain our mental well-being through stress management techniques can help us gain clarity and control the physical signs of stress. When we get overwhelmed, our fight-or-flight sensation kicks in, but there are tools to help us with this.
It Doesn’t Have to Be Forever
If you want to see the rainbow, you must endure the rain. Sometimes, the fact that we can leave whenever we want gives us a 20/20 vision in these demanding environments. Those toxic work situations where someone has been able to escape can make it feel like we’re in some prison movie where another inmate has burrowed their way to freedom. However, this is not necessarily the best attitude to have because, invariably, it makes us feel like we’re trapped.
There is always a way around the situation, especially if the environment continues to be toxic, such as internal transfers or even starting your own business. What we need to remember is that this is not something that should be the default setting for our existence. We think we can’t do better in these environments because that’s how it’s built, but it’s not true.
Many believe that you’re meant to suffer, which is a very backward attitude and typically comes from people who have done a job they hated their entire lives. However, if we have the right attitudes and aptitudes, we can work in tough or dangerous environments and still benefit.
In Conclusion: How to Thrive Working in a Tough Environment
Use your experiences, good and bad, to your benefit. Maintain a list of the worst and how you overcame the events to strengthen yourself and lead from a position of strength. These skills on your CV are a testament to how you can deal with and overcome some of the most challenging tests to be seen as a potential leader for the next company where you apply.
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Sales Tips: How to Thrive Working in a Tough Environment
- Know the needs and desires of your audience, including your next new employer, in detail. Be Inspired and Inspiring!
- In challenging times, remain true to your values and priorities.
- Seek ways to minimize the stress to focus on the work and the tasks you most enjoy.
- If disrespect exists in the office, practice day and night, maintaining your smile as you analyze what is being said and hidden.
- When people tell you, ‘You can’t!’ – inquire, why not?
- Upon hearing belittling statements, smile to say to yourself, ‘Just watch me!’
- Commit to learning from every nasty communication, mishap, and injustice to ramp up your resume.
- In your spare time, research job availabilities and skills companies seek to take classes and acquire the talent sought.
- Create stories to share on job interviews about how you overcame challenging times to achieve a desirable outcome.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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