Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
Only you know what you “should do” versus all those providing the advice to experience success. And the should do works best when there is a motivating factor involved to experience improved results in the end.
For example, in the corporate sales arena, salespeople are motivated by trips and bonus money to be received at the end of the year. Entrepreneurs feel rewarded as they see client loyalty build, and others are happiest when they recognize they were able to help others succeed.
The question is, how do you get on the right track from starting point A to the finishing point Z?
Never give up but find a better way.
My Story
The avenues described above also depict my journey. I’m at the stage where it is highly satisfying to realize my suggestions help others to succeed on their own. But it wasn’t always that way. We each have a starting point, and it’s a bumpy ride along the way with plentiful stops and starts. It’s up to each of us to find our motivation for continuing to move forward.
In the early years, I played mind games with myself to get past the grueling effort. Cold calling in the field was the norm. Each company was envisioned as a fortress with someone locked inside while in distress. The route to the person was seen as a maze with false entries included. My goal was to find the right person and rescue them from their troubling situation. In this odd manner, cold calling became enjoyable!
As an entrepreneur, I once again needed to prove myself as people did not believe I knew enough about sales to be a trainer. Sure, the idea of giving up was front and center. But deep down, I knew better. Step by step, and year by year, I learned from those I trusted. I also learned a whole lot about what not to do from those whose actions were questionable.
Your Story
Pressure is alive whether you are self-employed or work for a company. It always seems one isn’t doing enough to satisfy the desired outcome. Everyone always wants more.
The questions become:
- What is your more?
- What can you do to speed up or increase success?
Success always depends upon you. How you view success and your resolve to move past obstacles will determine future results. Do you need to play mind games with yourself or is there another avenue that will work better for you?
A good place to begin is to envision what you would ultimately like to accomplish. How will you like to be remembered after you retire? What is the biggest project imaginable that has you excited to get started today?
Once you have those two questions answered, it will be time to put a flexible plan in place to achieve what you envision. As excitement becomes yours, this produces the desire to get started and never stop until you are very satisfied. And that’s the time to celebrate all of your accomplishments!
Sales Tips
- Decide what success will look like for you.
- Model the better habits of those who have gone before you.
- Make a note of behaviors you do not appreciate to eliminate.
- Use a game model to get past the difficult hurdles.
- Hire a coach when you are almost ready to quit.
- Read success stories.
- Observe athletes.
- Listen to motivational talks of coaches.
- Keep adding to your pipeline of possibilities.
- Celebrate Success!
Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
A previous blog spoke to Unleash Possibilities to Experience Success
P.S. Send us your sales related questions to [email protected].
Inquire about inspirational/motivational speaking for your next event and sales training.
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