What Will Motivate You to Journey Beyond?

What Will Motivate You to Journey Beyond?

Only some people are gifted with the talent to join a space exploration mission. However, there are times in our careers when the obstacles in front of us couldn’t be any more challenging and raise the question, What Will Motivate You to Journey Beyond?
On rare occasions, it is a unique circumstance that will propel some forward. But for most people who journey beyond what others believe to be possible, it’s more about proving to oneself that ‘Yes, I can do it!’ and living without regret by not trying.

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Are You Hiring the Wrong Candidates Or Know the Reasoning For Job Rejections?

Are You Hiring the Wrong Candidates Or Know the Reasoning For Job Rejections?

Ken Crowell is the Founder and CEO of EmployTest, and provides our guest blog, Are You Hiring the Wrong Candidates Or Know the Reasoning For Job Rejections.

In the ever-evolving talent acquisition landscape, organizations often need help to hire suitable team candidates efficiently. Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in this process, yet standard practices can sometimes lead to accidentally selecting the wrong candidates. Simultaneously, prospective talents, despite being well-qualified, frequently reject job offers. This article explores the signs indicating a mismatch between a candidate and a position, shedding light on the common pitfalls of hiring and delving into why promising talents may turn down job offers.

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Are You Ready To Deal With Workplace Bullies to Stop Discrimination?

Are You Ready To Deal With Workplace Bullies to Stop Discrimination?

In the tapestry of today’s modern workplace, fostering diversity and inclusion has become an imperative for organizations aiming to thrive in a globalized world. However, the noble pursuit of workplace diversity often faces a formidable adversary – workplace bullying and discrimination. The ramifications of such behavior extend far beyond the immediate individuals involved, impacting the entire workforce’s mental health, morale, and productivity.

In this guest article, we delve into the intricacies of hostile workplace challenges, explore how HR can effectively deal with workplace bullies to stop discrimination, and examine the pivotal role of diversity hiring practices in creating a positive and inclusive working environment.

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Are You Ready to Give Your Business the Visual Edge?

Are You Ready to Give Your Business the Visual Edge?

Entrepreneurship or building a company requires much strategic thought, including how to stand out from the crowded playing field. It’s necessary to always be on top of your industry’s latest news to communicate the differentiators that set you apart in varying styles.

If you want your business to do well, you must ensure its visual elements are in place. Companies desiring to attract and retain clientele need an eye-catching or intriguing appearance to attract their audience and gain new customers. The initial steps for creating a personal brand, a branding program including the visuals, and varying marketing efforts will ultimately contribute to ongoing sales. Our collaborative post shares ideas you may consider implementing to help give your business the visual edge.

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Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?

Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?

Negativity abounds in society, facing the ongoing sentiment, ‘You Can’t.’ Hearing the words can stop a person in their tracks. However, if the idea in question holds meaning and inspiration, it’s our job to gain a steady footing for moving forward regardless of the doomsday predictions. It is very helpful to believe statistics are temporary!

Advancing throughout our lifetime, we do best when we contemplate doing something that no one else has; this is the moment to do it! But if we allow fear or the voice of others to interfere, we prevent ourselves from accomplishing our desires. It all boils down to whether we believe statistics are steadfast or temporary.

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How Do Smart Businesses Use Customer Analytics to Scale Up?

How Do Smart Businesses Use Customer Analytics to Scale Up?

Have you ever had that moment when everything falls into place? Well, that’s what smart businesses regularly encounter, thanks to the power of customer analytics. It’s like having a crystal ball that reveals what your customers desire even before they realize it themselves. The question is, how do smart businesses use customer analytics to scale up?

It’s not about crunching numbers; it’s truly understanding the pulse of your market. In this article, we’ll uncover the magic behind how customer analytics drives business decisions and propels growth to greater heights.

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Are You Ready to Attract Top Talent To Your Organization?

Are You Ready to Attract Top Talent To Your Organization?

Sara Riggs shares experience and insights in our guest blog post, Are You Ready to Attract Top Talent To Your Organization?

Attracting top talent to your organization is a crucial factor in the success and growth of modern businesses. To build a high-performing staff, you must implement effective strategies that entice the best candidates to join your company.

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Do You Huddle for Strategy?

Do You Huddle for Strategy?

Much of the population admires sports teams, watches the games, and is curious as teams huddle for strategy. However, the huddle practice should set business executives back on their heels to rethink their strategy. Similarly, networking groups of entrepreneurs will also do well to review and tweak their approach.
The essence of the huddle is teamwork, inclusiveness, and collaborative efforts. When one person wins, everyone wins. Sadly, rarely does corporate work that way, aggravating many and needlessly taking away from the bottom line. Much work is necessary to revitalize the teamwork theory, making it a distinct reality along with the huddle for strategy.

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Do You Realize the Underlying Factors for Building Relationships?

Do You Realize the Underlying Factors for Building Relationships?

For successful sales, realizing the underlying factors for building relationships is vital. It can be challenging unless we relax to listen and learn. The strategy is not to concentrate on attempting to make a sale because that rarely works out well. Instead, it’s best to get comfortable, smile, and enjoy the conversation with the person or people you meet. Enjoyment is the initial igniter for conducting business.
The opposite approach is being in the presence of those who relentlessly attempt to prove their point to make a sale. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, that type of salesperson will hear, ‘No.’

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Do You Care Enough to Make It Happen?

Do You Care Enough to Make It Happen?

Injustices surround most people, although many do not openly speak about them. Many try to do the best they can but often give up. Those who care enough to make something happen will speak up and take action to influence change. We all know that the efforts aren’t always successful, but the motto, ‘Try, try, try again,’ comes to mind.

My Story

Typically, people complain about varying situations but have no desire to be the one to take action and right a wrong. Sadly, everything stays the same when the majority behaves this way. When an issue brings anger, tears, or frustration, it’s time to examine our mindset to attempt to right the wrong.

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Are You Hungry for Business?

Are You Hungry for Business?

Generally, all those new to the sales profession and entrepreneurship or at a seeming hold on revenue are hungry for business. Our livelihoods depend upon it, and corporations depend upon those directly involved with the incoming revenue.
The individual is the first person to assist in turning matters around and is held responsible by the corporate executives. Similarly, all responsibility falls on the individual who is brave enough to undertake entrepreneurship. Accordingly, our blog offers insights into the question, ‘Are you hungry for business?’

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Are You Ready to Overcome Fear?

Are You Ready to Overcome Fear?

Conversations frequently center around fear due to the news and uncertainty concerning taking risks now. The stress applies to career and personal endeavors, prompting our blog question, Are you ready to overcome fear?’

Caution is always a good idea. However, to live a fulfilling life and be proud of our accomplishments, it is best if we analyze the pros and cons of what we are about to undertake to realize the better way forward.

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Do You Acknowledge Your Comfort Zone?

Do You Acknowledge Your Comfort Zone?

The weekend is upon us and is a perfect time to contemplate whether we are getting too comfortable with our routine. Those who desire success will dedicate themselves to ongoing learning and take on the challenge of moving past the uncomfortable difficulties ahead. Our blog question of the day is, ‘Do you acknowledge your comfort zone?’

My Story
We each have a natural talent, and often, our careers begin by incorporating the areas in which we excel. But the routine gradually becomes boring, which brings us to a juncture. Taking the challenge of learning and the new areas of interest can be a tough decision for furthering our career. All the ‘have-to suggestions’ often prove overwhelming and scary at best.

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Are You Ready to Make A Significant Change?

Are You Ready to Make A Significant Change?

We each experience seemingly life lapses as if something necessary is missing to make better sense of our lives. Ignoring the concern can easily convert to unnecessary stress, but paying keen attention can guide us on a far better path. The question becomes, ‘Are you ready to make a significant change?’

My Story

There are times when a significant change ahead is by choice and other times when outside events appear to take over on our behalf. It is up to us to weigh the pros and cons of a situation that may change our life forever – or put us onto a different business journey from where we are today.

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Do You Realize Life Can Teach Us Sales Strategies?

Do You Realize Life Can Teach Us Sales Strategies?

The life of a new salesperson is rough and challenging, and disappointment quickly strikes with more bad news to follow. Why would anyone choose the profession? Sadly, it is the only option for some because many professional jobs are more discriminatory than the open-door policy one would expect.

But the sales profession isn’t a cure-all. To acquire a sales job and do well, one must be clever in job interviews by seeing through the questions, producing laughter, and needing to toughen up for the sales arena. It’s necessary to boomerang back to a soft and gentle approach when out and about with prospective clients – the point where you realize life can teach us sales strategies.

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