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Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:

Will You Create Creative Friday for Teamwork?

Whichever type of work we do or the company we operate, most of the week requires serious focus, but by Friday, it’s good to embrace an ongoing ‘Creative Friday for Teamwork.’ Typically, we focus on meeting our goals each Monday morning and the following days. Admittedly, however, there is a typical slight decline after that during the week until we reach Friday, when attention is on what we will do over the weekend. But what if we were to capture unique thought that comes to us during our independent time?

My Story

Management can reign in decline in attentiveness toward work on Fridays by incorporating creative Fridays for their teams. Entrepreneurs may mirror similar actions on their own or among peers. The assignment for the Friday event is during the work week and on weekends to capture fleeting thoughts. Most often, people will discard private thinking for fear of being disrespected for ridiculous ideas. But what if the assignment was for everyone to capture their unique thoughts as they may surprisingly apply to a better way of conducting business? The novel idea results upon creating a creative Friday for teamwork.

Ideas are Limitless and May Include:

  • Create a weekly theme for the team meeting.
  • Give recognition to the most ordinary and the more outlandish ideas to encourage more creativity.
  • Utilize in-person and online gatherings to acknowledge all staff.
  • Give rewards at year-end to those who contribute the most.

As time progresses, people will pay greater attention to the thoughts they have as they enjoy their weekend activities. For example, away from my computer, I admire the great outdoors, wonder ‘what if,’ and soon ideas come to me for writing new topics and taking novel actions.

Natural Negotiation Training

Other times, private conversations will prompt ideas to consider from multiple angles. Recently, a discussion took place about the pros and cons of remote work. Remote work saves commute time that can be used better by focusing on the job. However, doing so full-time lessens the feeling of belonging in the corporate environment or being a team member. Finding a satisfactory solution for most is part of negotiation training. Accordingly, comprehensive negotiation lessons for all conversations can and will empower teams to contribute to the company’s bottom line.

Impromptu Strategy Increases the Possibilities

An excellent way to improve teamwork conversations and willingness to share private thoughts is by having everyone share one unique experience in one minute. It can become very engaging and motivating as the team gains comfort. And the sharing can create unique business ideas as well.

Your Story: Create Creative Friday for Teamwork

Consider all the past activities that increased your enthusiasm for life and possibly work. How can you maximize the experience toward your work or for the team(s) in your employ? It’s necessary to admit that when work is the sole focus for employees, they typically find little satisfaction and, by year-end, seek new work. The strict work focus negatively impacts all, including the company’s bottom line.

Managers and executives are to lead the way to best communicate with others and attract interest. Encouraging staff members to share their experiences and ideas can contribute heavily to more engaged work staff. Adding to the enthusiasm is the possibility of complementary food and beverages occasionally, weekly, or daily as the budget permits.

Laughter is the best medicine for lifting spirits and encouraging teamwork. A good start for Creative Fridays is to have team members share a funny occurrence that took place during the week. The unexpected bonus is that new ideas will come into play among the laughter that may benefit the business.

In Conclusion: Create Creative Friday for Teamwork

It’s easy to dismiss the nonsensical idea of creatiing a creative Friday for teamwork. But the better response is to give it one or two tries to see what prevails afterward. A rush to judgment never pans out well, but trial and error produce better results for achieving what you desire. Even better is to enjoy your work, particularly in the excellent company of others.

For More Insights:   Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

‘Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen: 
A Classic!

HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best seller. and helped many to secure the job they desired

Visit Elinor Stutz's Author Page on Amazon:

Authentic Relationships Are Essential

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

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Sales Tips: Create Creative Friday for Teamwork

  1. Sharing experiences helps create strong connections among team members as well as clientele.
  2. Be willing to share your worst experiences to help others avoid similar incidents.
  3. By sharing your awful encounters, it is best to reveal the lessons you learned and how you are improving your efforts.
  4. An exchange of lessons learned from unfruitful actions will contribute to the growth of all.
  5. Sharing how you overcame a specific barrier and the opportunity unfolding will encourage others to do the same when their turn arises.
  6. The collaborative ‘Creative Friday for Teamwork’ effort gives way to exponential results for all.
  7. Overcome the fear of sharing creative ideas as it may encourage others to do the same for all to benefit.
  8. Maximize the experience of story-telling and sharing insights for a collaborative team experience.
  9. Celebrate the milestones each person on your team achieves for a more significant collaborative effort in the making.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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