Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
If you were given the gift of only one week to go, what would you do? On occasion, many of us fall into a rut without an appreciation for time running away. Too much is thrown at us that seems to be meaningless and takes away time from what we prefer to do. So we continue down the monotonous road of doing the same old.
The natural disasters prevalent in the news today gives pause for reflection. If you are to realize you only have one week to go, where you can do anything your heart desires, what will it be? Is there any reason you can’t do all of what you envision, or at least some of it, if you have a long lifetime ahead? Get very clear on what to focus so that success will be far more likely in your forecast.
My Story
Many people are caught up in the noise of what they are supposed to do or should do. They act simply to please those putting out the advice. And you probably know some people who believe they have to invest in the latest and the best of everything. The problem with that is they collect a pile of ‘things’ that have little meaning or value in the long term.
Others look to the future as to how they may help improve society, or at the very least, improve their education. For example, long ago I chose to study Spanish but was timid about speaking the language. However, I understood Spanish when it was spoken. The opportunity arose to be an exchange student in Guadalajara. I grabbed it. Not only did I begin speaking Spanish within 24 hours, but I met a life long friend who chose to do the same.
“Seek out like minded friends” is a common theme, but not everyone adheres to it. As with other ideas, there are many sides to the meaning. Once again, my perspective is to be in alignment with values, priorities, and interests. The reason this is important is that not all days work out spectacularly. On the down days, it is your friends who will lift you up.
My perspective is it’s more important to collect life experiences than things. The adventures become a lifelong investment of learning and a vehicle for sharing intriguing stories. Both your friends and your clientele will heartily welcome the conversations.
None of us are free from unexpected events that may stop us in our tracks. The point to all of this is to know in your soul what holds most importance to you, and how you might empower others coming up behind you. Once you recognize and focus on what you cherish most, life will become more meaningful and enjoyable.
Your Story
If you have ever dreaded Sunday evening, because Monday morning requires work that you don’t care for, you may wish to give the following questions some thought. In your quiet time reflect upon your past experiences that excited you the most. Answer the question as to why they were exciting, and what your takeaways were.
Some questions to consider:
- Is there more of the same experience in your future?
- Are there related paths you might consider?
- How can you focus on the most exciting events to turn them into a more exciting career?
Whichever career you choose, enthusiasm has to be seen in your face and heard in your voice. Otherwise, others will stay away from you, and this holds true for prospective clients, too. As one who might qualify and match friends, it’s important to take stock of our characteristics and personality traits as well to put our best selves forward.
Sales Tips
1. Find the excitement in your life’s work.
2. Examine past experiences for ideas of what to do next.
3. List the adventures that bring a smile.
4. Figure out how you might develop a new career based on what you most enjoy.
5. Create a new list for the investment, education and time allotment to make it happen.
6. Confer with friends about your new idea.
7. Gather the best advice for making the idea a reality.
8. Prioritize your thoughts with the ideas of others to fast track development.
9. Decide upon your first baby step and take action
10. Celebrate Success!
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest”
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