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How to Include Productivity During the Holidays
NOTE: Raymond Chiu provides today’s guest Blog, How to include productivity during the holidays.
Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for, the leading office cleaning services in NYC. Maid Sailors take pride in providing outstanding office cleaning services at affordable prices. Maid Sailors helps workplaces transform into spotless places.
8 Tips to Include Productivity During the Holidays
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
The holiday season is always an exciting time of year. You can feel the holiday spirit in the atmosphere, and everyone is excited. If you are a business that needs to get things done every month, these holidays can be challenging to work delivery. Focus on work becomes difficult for people whenever festivities are in the next room or elsewhere, requiring extra time away.
To help you stay focused on your tasks, here are eight ways you can stay productive at work during the holiday season.
1. Prepare Your Office Space.
Whether you have a home office or work in an office away from home, it’s a good idea to cap off your year working in your work environment by cleaning it out and organizing things first. If you’re working in the office, cleaning your workspace might be incredibly productive to ensure that you won’t have to wade through last year’s clutter after the holidays.
Aside from cleaning your office space, now might be a good time to start restocking your supplies. After you clean things and organize the office supplies in your work area, you can begin purchasing pens, staples, paper, and so on. It will make you feel much more ready to return to work after the holidays and during it.
According to Maid Sailors NYC office cleaning company, there is a huge demand for cleaning services in December because people, including business organizations big and small, want their offices to start the new year clean and ready.
2. Organize Your Old Files
Before the new year, ensure that you properly organize old files from old projects and place them safely or throw them away responsibly. The holiday work time is a great time to start scanning these old files so you can save them in online storage or place them in a hard drive and tuck them away.
It’s also a good idea to start clearing out your desktop or Documents on your computer so that you can feel the new year by looking at your computer files themselves.
3. Clean Out Your Inbox
Your office’s physical maintenance isn’t the only part of your workplace that will need cleaning. Many people have digital workspaces within their physical ones. Therefore, start by looking at your digital workspace to clean up possible junk or unused. The next item is to clean up all emails that you no longer need.
You will find a distinct pleasure in cleaning out your inbox of unwanted and unnecessary emails. Aside from that, you can also start unsubscribing to newsletters that don’t serve your purpose. Once you finish cleaning out your inbox and deleting old emails or archiving potentially important ones, you’ll feel much more clear-minded every time you open your inbox.
4. Be Mindful of Your Posture
Another way you can feel more motivated even when working more during the holidays is by fixing and being mindful of your posture. If you are curling unto yourself, it can make you feel more sluggish and less motivated to work. Therefore, when you’re more mindful of your posture, you avoid hurting yourself while sitting while also ensuring you feel more alert.
5. Prioritize Your Tasks
Task management skills can shine during the days when you are not in the mood to stick to your working routine, especially during the holiday season. Instead of doing everything at once, prioritize your tasks on a daily and weekly view. That way, you know what you need to accomplish, at the very least, in one day. You can then arrange your work to ensure you finish the critical tasks before the weekends.
6. Set Multiple Types of Goals
You can motivate yourself to stay on track when you focus on setting multiple goals for yourself that you must accomplish before the holiday season ends. Being particularly goal-oriented can help you focus more on the tasks at hand. The benefit is you can achieve more when there’s something to aim for to avoid distractions from the holiday atmosphere.
7. Take Care of Yourself to Enable Productivity During the Holidays
The holidays are one of the busiest times of the year, filled with disruptions and distractions. Maybe you didn’t get as much sleep, or you didn’t exercise much. Thus, it’s easy to let self-care slide.
Expecting your body to handle all the extra fat and alcohol will slow you down in the long run. So, take time for the gym and get as much sleep as possible. Stay hydrated and eat as healthy as you can. The combined actions will allow your body to have more energy. Even better, your mind remains sharp, allowing you to get more done during a potentially demanding time of year. The idea of productivity during the holidays becomes realistic.
8. Do What You Enjoy Most
Most importantly, set aside time for your brand to rest and disconnect from your worries. Find how you can recharge your batteries and find peace in the things you do.
Working during the holidays can be challenging. However, the tips above should help ease the struggles of focusing on work to include productivity during the holidays. Try these out yourself to have a productive work week despite being surrounded by the holiday atmosphere.
In Conclusion: Include Productivity During the Holidays
How can we enjoy the holidays if we focus on exercising plus productivity? As one who tested the theory, the fitness element increases energy and concentration. Productivity accelerates immensely by combining all efforts. Accordingly, the practice provides more time to enjoy the holidays with far less stress!
Envision and focus on your year-end goal for business to help include productivity during the holidays.
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
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Sales Tips: Include Productivity During the Holidays
- Envision and focus on your year-end goal for business to help include productivity during the holidays.
- Maintain a running task list to avoid wasting time attempting to recall what comes next.
- At the end of each day, create a task list for the next day, and before you begin, review what needs to complete.
- Integrate the running task list with year-end and monthly goals to remain on track.
- As each task and purpose is complete, cross them off the list.
- Begin a priority task and goal list for the new year.
- Be attentive to your calendar to schedule and perform around the dates and times.
- Accept only the invitations that are important to you to maintain productivity during the holidays.
- Excuse yourself respectfully from distracting conversations to continue forward.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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