Take Action to Make it Happen!

Creative Commons License photo credit: Ozulus

Are you simply thinking about it?

In the early days of entrepreneurship, I was advised to “Play a bigger Game”.  Only I didn’t know how to get started.  It was good to have the advice but I needed to shore up experience first.  By establishing my foundation, recognizing what I enjoy the most, I then knew which direction in which to head.

As experience kicks in, it’s much easier to take a leap of faith or calculated risk to play that bigger game.  I knew full well that by not trying, my dream would never be accomplished.  When you are willing to take the leap of faith, the visibility enables you to build a larger audience and grows your brand far more quickly.  

If you are curious how to get started, I tried new thought processes.  In the corporate sales world, we were factual and took control.  However, I since learned that when you have a wonderful idea, it’s important to express it outloud to trusted others.  Think about it in your private time.  Eventually your new thought about a better tomorrow cycles into your subconcious.  As these thoughts incporate into your mind, body and spirit, you stand a far better chance for making them a reality.  

My first dare was by another who challenged me to write a book good enough to be traditionally published. I did and it was.  So I did it again for practice. All challenges over the years and overcoming them through trial and error, had prepared me to move onto a larger playing field.  Two very large projects are now in the works.  Join me by creating your bigger game and let’s experience the Smooth Sale together!

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