Accepting Feedback for Better Results

Above all else – Smile!

Have you ever been offered unrequested feedback after providing a class, announcing a new product or service, or after completing an interview?  

The unexpected offer can easily take you off guard which will immediately put you on the defense.  Upon hearing unwelcomed feedback, you may even become argumentative.  

Whether you asked for the feedback or not, and whether you like what is relayed or not, your best stance is to willingly accept the input with a smile on your face.  Particularly in a public setting, people are observing your demeanor.  Remaining positive and warm, you will send a positive message that you are eays to work with and thereby encourage further referrals and sales.

Should the hiring manager offer feedback, definitely listen with intent and a demonstration that you are eager to learn from the experience.  It just might land you in the lead candidate position, and if not, you will do far better in the future.

In the business mindset, when you are supplied constructive feedback, take quiet time to consider the advice shared.  Are you able to develop the ideas into a new project and create new opportunities?  When we are willing to analyze and contemplate unforeseen advice, very often it’s a springboard for something new and possibly better.  

Others see you Building Relationships that Get Results for additional sales and for hearing HIRED!  Accepting feedback with a smile leads you to a Smooth Sale!

20 minute video for job seekers on how to interview – click the link.

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