A better sales approach
Another call received fell into the old pattern of telling selling and intimidation tactics. Only this sales pro knows how to deflect and run past to my own end goal. Why is it these people believe they will be successful in forcing their beliefs on everyone they contact?
Some of the phrases I heard were, “Make hundreds of thousands of dollars per month”, “Our members play a much bigger game”, “I was an executive in the corporate arena” – all of which go to intimidation. They are intended to imply, I would be lucky to rise to their level and asked to join their membership.
The monologue made many assumptions being they never asked questions of me. One major assumption made of me was that money must be my top motivator. While we need money to remain in business, it’s not necesarily my top priority. Qualifying is an essential part of business and sales. My top qualifier is the manner in which business is conducted before I agree to participate. You can bet the conversation was quickly ended.
Business rules need to come first. This goes back to knowing who you are, developing your personal brand and being careful to consistently spread your message. Any deviation will detract from your brand and finding clients will be difficult. Likewise, we must qualify those who wish to work with us to maintain our brand integrity.
For those seeking work and going through the interviewing process, the same is true. Is the person interviewing you trying to get to know the real you or are they asking unrelated questions or monopolizing the conversation? Will the work further your career or will you just be another body empowering the company? There needs to be a two-way conversation for you both to qualify the possibilities of you the candidate and of them the employer.
When your effort is dependent upon building relationships that get results for both parties, and you find the right match, you will experience joy in hearing HIRED! or YES! and it will be a Smooth Sale!