Gifts for All Year in All Forms
Make it long-lasting free gifts!
Think back to when you were most appreciated for having given someone a very special gift. What was their mood and how did they react toward you? How did the act of giving and the other person’s reaction toward you make you feel? Wouldn’t it be nice, while growing your busines, to have clients express similar appreciation?
Most of the above applies to interviewing to hear HIRED! and managing your career, too. The only difference is you work to serve your team mates, manager and company. Showing appreciation for all help will help you advance your career.
What I’m about to suggest in Video or below does not have to cost money. Here are some ideas of how to make your client feel special in a similar way without having to purchase expensive gifts:
1. Always say “Thank You for your business”.
2. Check in on occasion to see how your client is doing after purchasing from you.
3. Quickly iron out the smallest of issues and always deliver outstanding customer service and care
4. Get to know your clients personally so that you may be able to provide a referral for them
5. When opportunities arise appropriate for your clients let them know about it and also refer them
6. Occasional handwritten notes of thanks or greeting cards go a long way for building goodwill
7. Continue to build your relationships for the long-term
8. Work to serve others
9. Build community and goodwill everywhere
10. Your clientele will become your salesforce by volunteering referrals and testimonials.
Holding the attitude of goodwill will head you toward the Smooth Sale!