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Are You Ready to Overcome Fear?

Conversations frequently center around fear due to the news and uncertainty concerning taking risks now. The stress applies to career and personal endeavors, prompting our blog question, Are you ready to overcome fear?’ Caution is always a good idea. However, to live a fulfilling life and be proud of our accomplishments, it is best if we analyze the pros and cons of what we are about to undertake to realize the better way forward.

My Story

Upon listening to an old soundtrack, the Beatles’ song, ‘Blackbird,’ became more meaningful than ever. Read through the lyrics found online to see if they may ring true for you:

The Beatles, Blackbird song lyrics:

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

As we mature and life takes unpredictable turns, we often feel as if we have broken wings, and some wonder if it’s time to stop their endeavors as it’s of no use. There have been times when I was at a similar point. But I knew I’d be far more disappointed with myself if I quit. The thought motivated me to reflect on the more significant disturbances and how to address them. Correcting them isn’t necessarily the right word, but managing them to move onward is often the better process for advancement.

Ideas come and go, while some become outdated. As we listen to and observe the experiences of others, intrigue often takes hold. Accordingly, it can be a good indicator of what we may consider doing next. Sometimes, the new implementations do not connect with the previous, but giving it time, we see the connection. Moreover, a more emboldened approach gives way to more robust results. We feel as if we are flying away from the old.

One helpful strategy is to seek out those who think and work similarly to encourage one another. Even better will be to find ways of collaborating to expand the reach of one another. Over time, the storyline becomes true for spreading our wings and enjoying our new adventures.

Your Story: Ready to Overcome Fear

One of the challenging issues is to realize what will set you free – which steps you need to take and what strategies to apply to feel like the blackbird and fly away.

Like it or not, the better starting point is to capture in writing the worst remarks you heard and how they made you feel. Underneath each, list why you felt hurt and what you wished you could do about it. Now consider today and whether the same still applies.

It’s time to toughen up to consider all the possibilities at hand to correct statements that aren’t true and how you may prove to yourself and the world that you know what you are doing, plus do it well! 

As motivation begins to lift, consider the projects, products, and services that bring a smile to your face and how you may enhance them for business or career. Returning to a more positive outlook is the time to seriously review your ultimate dream and how you plan to achieve it. 

In Conclusion: Are You Ready to Overcome Fear?

By acknowledging all events around us and those affecting us, we can seriously contemplate doing our best to live with them. Doing so becomes the right time to fix what feels like our broken wings and fly away to a new tomorrow that will bring us joy.

The remaining question is, will you take the leap of faith to reach new heights and fly into the clouds away from the noisy and hostile crowd?

For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen: 
A Classic!

HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best seller. and helped many to secure the job they desired

Visit Elinor Stutz's Author Page on Amazon:

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

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Sales Tips: Are You Ready to Overcome Fear?

  1. Consider why you feel like a blackbird with broken wings.
  2. Admit whether you feel fearful about expanding into the unknown.
  3. Imagine flying above and how that may make you feel.
  4. List the areas you wish to change and the satisfaction it can bring.
  5. Exercise to increase energy and motivation to continue.
  6. Create a long-term plan for achieving your vision.
  7. Each year, create weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals to reach the end of 12 months.
  8. Ensure all goals align with what is in place.
  9. Envision your ultimate plan of achievement and work your goal plan to accomplish it.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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