What you hear becomes increased revenue

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No, I’m not talking about taking someone else’s idea!  Instead, I’m referring to the mini compliments you might receive in tweets, email, or on the phone.  Even job interviews sometimes bring about compliments on which you should continue the conversation, not by bragging but speak to your specific trait that they like and how it will help the company.

When you pay careful attention to what is being said, you will recognize what your associates and clientele truly like about you.  These comments will also clue you to what you should deliver more of and what to create next.  

The forever sales motto is, “You need to deliver to the needs, wants and deep down desires of others to find succes.”  The saying makes perfect sense and it is a truism.  

In addition to hearing and reading what is being said, question-led conversations bring out additional insight, information that might not otherwise be shared.  

My own motto is, “Question, Listen and Clarify”.

Promise yourself to pay better attention to what others are telling you and deliver upon it.  Business visibility will increase due to good word of mouth, and your sales will increase too.  You will be headed for the Smooth Sale!

On March 8th we will be celebrating International Women’s Day.  

The event in San Francisco will take place at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel. 
Just announced:  I will be receiving the “Global Leadership Award”!

For Details and Registration please click here.

For more information read:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results,

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.

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