Planning backwards produces best results
“Why are we leaving so early, it’s ridiculous!” That was the first remark, as it was suggested to cushion the normal 40-minute ride to the ferry with an extra 45 minutes added to the allotted time.
Working the problem as a sales call, I thought about:
- The deadline of10:10 am (ferry departure)
- Obstacles along the way (objections in sales calls)
A direct route to the ferry including obstacles, were seriously contemplated ahead of time, as you would encounter for an important appointment. In this case, an important Giants baseball game in San Francisco will take place this evening, producing heavy morning traffic along the way. Limited parking available, and stops to be included prior to destination arrival also need to be taken into account.
“We’ll never get there in time!” That was the second exclamation as we parked high on a hill and then ran as fast as possible to make the ferry. Two essential sales thoughts were required at that moment:
1. Keeping your eye on the goal
2. Positive thought for success
Admittedly, we were the last people admitted onto the ferry, but we made it!
Goal Setting for any endeavor, be it personal, business or career, requires planning, and generally speaking, added allotted time to get it completed. Working backwards, with the required completion date in mind, allows you to account for everything that needs to be put into place to make a great first impression, ace the interview, or acquire the sale.
Maintaining running task lists of the “must do’s” while paying keen attention to requirements for attaining the sale or the job, will empower you with getting more done in a much shorter period of time.
Believing you can do it, and “going for it” will produce results beyond your imagination, and lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press