Simplify the Complicated
On occasion we have a tendency to make a decision only to realize putting the steps into place will be difficult for a variety of reasons. Frequently a major reason is not enough time for everything involved. One of the better strategies is to take a deep breath, sit still, and examine everything that needs to get completed so that you deliver on time.
Consider whether you need help from others, a class, supplies, financial help or 36 hour days. These habits described work well for your career and entrepreneurial business development.
Should your answer be 36 hour days but that isn’t possible, then begin documenting everything you now reocgnize needs to be put into place in order to succeed. Brainstorm with your trusted colleagues on how they would handle the more difficult aspects. On occasion, you may realize that a couple of the steps either aren’t necessary or they may be accomplished in a simpler manner. This alone relieves much stress.
List everything to be completed in order of the cycle. Estimate what a reasonable amount of time will be to get it all done and divide the total by the number of days remaining. Now you know the time allotment for each day; commit to this. Should an emergency take you away from the project, also commit to making up the time during the evening or weekend.
Once you have your timelines and strategies in place, it should lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press