Doing what’s right for you yields best results
Have you ever felt badly that you hadn’t yet implemented what you thought you should do?
“Charlene” was expressing frustration with herself for not having concentrated on writing her first book. Upon asking why, I learned she was challenged by all of the “have to do’s” in order for the finished book to sell well. The information is both overwhelming and complicated with limited time to research all of it.
After Charlene finished her explanation, I immediately asked, “Do you like to write?” This was followed by, “Which subjects do you most enjoy writing about?” The tone of the conversation completely changed. Enthusiasm could once again be heard in Charlene’s voice.
Doing what is right for you stands the best chance for success. It is a wonderful idea to explore new thought and strategy to improve upon what you already have in place. This is true for personal life, career and business. But not all advice is perfect for who we are and what we wish to accomplish. Most often, it needs to be modified or discarded. If the enthusiasm on your part is not there, most likely you will not succeed. But once the idea captures your imagination, then you will be headed in the better direction.
As far as all of the “must implement” components that Charlene read about, I advised that she begin in the simplest way with which she was already familiar, and to write frequently as that is what she enjoys doing. As the process becomes habit, then that will be the time to explore the “must do’s” one at a time.
For any endeavor, the foundation needs to be set first before the add-ons can begin. Following this simple logic for a new job or entrepreneurship, you will find the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press