Take action to see improved results

After experiencing a high burst of energy, it’s common to want to slow down, and possibly quit.  On occasion we wonder, “Why are we doing all of this?”  Rationalization comes in the form that our effort isn’t producing the desired results.  And when all of this negative chatter takes hold, we do slow down – almost to a screeching halt.

There are specific times that the highs and lows may be experienced.  In particular, after an excellent vacation, holiday, new project successfully launched, or getting the exact job you desired.  We relive those experiences for a while until the recognition arrives that hard work follows next.  Or, it could simply be the current work that you have been doing for a long while is beginning to feel draining.  Whichever the case may be, this is the point when the negative thoughts are heard loud and clear.


The following ideas should help you to move past the negative to the positive:

1.  Possibilities

What is your wish list for the future, for career or business?  Jot ideas down and prioritize which ones are most doable and likely to produce improved results.

2.  Connect

Who has come into your thought recently and recognize it’s time to reconnect?  Spend a day calling people, or a short period of time throughout the month reconnecting with people you enjoy and admire.  In conversation, ideas will come to either of you for the other.  Increased energy will be felt along with readiness to begin again.

3.  Take Action

Between the exchange of ideas and allowing secret thoughts to be documented, you will soon have your a-ha moment for your next move.  Even if it is one small step, take action.  By completing the first step, you will be motivated to take the next and the next.  Soon you will be like a steam engine charging up the hill and feeling better than ever.  Most of all, you will have the grand prize of looking back to see just how far you were able to go!

Taking action leads to the Smooth Sale!

P.S. Upcoming Events: 

1. Sales Training.  
In need of added help regarding business development and sales?  Dial into a free 30 minute Tele-Seminar, with 15 minutes for Q&A,  this Wednesday, October 1, 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 p.m. ET.  Dial-in: 1-857-232-0157  /  Conference code: 929211

2.  How to Quickly Write A Book.
Thinking of writing a book? Put sales strategies behind it to sell more copies.  Learn how with this free tele-seminar hosted by Kimberly Errigo:  http://businessmasteryforum.com/teleclass

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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