Understanding leads to agreement

Sail Away
Creative Commons License photo credit: MSVG

Are you tired of disagreements or even fighting in your life?  We’ve all had them in our personal life, on the job, and with a few prospects or clients.  It is how you handle these touchy situations that brings about very different outcomes.  

The worst outcome is anger which does no one any good and breaks down all communication.  A mediocre outcome is where one person always gets their way because the other party finally gives in.  The best is for everyone to be satisfied believing they each gained something.  

One of the best techniques is to ask questions.  As a job seeker on an interview or a businessperson working out a logistical arrangement, you need to know the expectations of the hiring manager or your client.  When you are anxious to hear HIRED! / advance your career or make the next sale, you are frequently put in the role of mediator.  

It is important to drill down to understand the finer points motivating the objections.  Once you have full understanding and address your reasoning to the specific points, only then may you proceed to offering a better solution to which the other party will relate.  When you are able to communicate in this manner, everyone will be satisfied. Remember, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale (people).  In sales this is referred to as a “win-win”.

You will more easily gain what you desire and enjoy the Smooth Sale!


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