Take Advantage of Forgetfulness!


Have you ever outright forgotten to call someone?

Have you ever “lost” a business card on your desk?

Has someone forgotten to follow up with you?

It’s highly likely “we have all” had a case of forgetfulness, but it is how you handle it that makes the difference.  In fact, handling with diplomacy will often get you the sale!  The first step is to apologize for not being prompt but emphasize you are very interested in renewing the connection.  If  you are in the same area, offer to buy coffee or lunch.  The gesture of goodwill goes a long way!

The first thing to remember is you are not alone in this, so get over the embarrassment to ask for forgiveness.  Very few people will choose not to forgive.  At worst case, if a long time has passed and you did miss out on business, the mere fact that you are honest to admit you made an error may still open up the door for future possibilities.  

Sometimes luck plays a factor too, such as the person having been away on an extended vacation.  I have experienced this scenario myself.  

Admittedly, not remembering to follow-up with a potential employer is not a good idea and there is little remedy for this situation.  Howwever, to avoid in the future, use the calendar on your computer to automatically remind you to follow up!  Likewise, do the same for business appointments and you will never have to apologize again.

Now that we know how to handle ourselves in such a situation, take a moment to consider how another person feels when they call to apologize for having forgotten to promptly follow up with you.  Forgiveness in business goes a very long way to build your brand and your business.  Adapting this policy will soon lead you to the Smooth Sale!

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Read Additional Sales Techniques:

(Paperback and Digital formats)

International Best-Seller: 

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results 


HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.




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