Use these two approaches for increased business success
Learn from one another!
In the corporate sales world, I was frequently the only female on the team. It was to my benefit to take the top producing male out to lunch to ask his strategy for becoming the top producer. Believing I would never rise to the occasion, everything was shared with me. Within a couple of months, I was the next top producer. The point here is learn the best methodologies from everyone. You may and should adapt what is shared to your style in order to keep your brand consistent.
As an entrepreneur, the men have the clear advantage because many were trained in business whereas women have far less experience. Once again, observing the men, I witnessed one major difference among us. When new projects come to light, the men focus on their ROI, return on investment, recognizing how they will make up the expense and gain a profit. Women, for the most part, will focus on how they may help their audiences by giving away their services for free. Their intention is to make the world a better place, and over time, they will attract paying clients. Unfortunately, due to this practice, the paying clients do not arrive in time and these women become in need of finding a job.
Wouldn’t be wonderful if we could all learn from one another and meet in the middle?! We would all make a profit albeit smaller and we would be helping society. In terms of interviewing, once again you need to learn negotiation strategies from the men and relationship building from the women to hear HIRED! It’s the Relationship Building that Gets Results. This may be somewhat idealistic, but if you are willing to learn from others, you just might increase your sales and business success and enjoy the Smooth Sale!
Remember the Online AmericaHires360 Job Fair – I will be the featured speaker next week. No fee to job seekers – sponsors are footing the bill!