The Right Questions Secure the Right Answers
Getting to Yes, SOLD! or HIRED!
The first step to getting to “Yes” may seem obvious but unfortunately many people seem to forget that you need to know what it is that you want before you can expertly ask for it. Part two is a little more tricky in that questions need to preceed the asking, plus the order and precision with which they are asked also add points to your favor.
NOTE: All of the questions listed below must be phrased in your vocabulary for consistency and authenticity.
My all time favorite question upfront for a client meeting or an interview is to ask, “You must be so busy, what caught your attention to invite me in today?” This goes to the heart of the matter working to avoid a meandering conversation.
For better results, ask the following types of questions as you advance through the conversation:
Why do you believe you need “X”, or, what type of candidate are you seeking?
Are there special qualities you are looking for in the product, vendor, service, or job candidate?
What extra benefits would encourage you to say, “This is what I want” or “You are the one!”?
Do you believe I fit the model of what you are seeking?
When would you like to get started?
For the most part, I have described the sales cycle above. But the missing ingredient is Relationship building that gets results without seeming as if you are merely firing off questions. Your questions need to sound genuine and caring to find the best fit. When you sell, someone buys, and when you interview, someone hires. Therefore it’s up to you to lead the conversation to enable the other party to willingly meet you in the middle. This is how you develop the Smooth Sale!
For those of you desiring more interviewing strategies – we have two options:
1. A 20 minute YouTube video & powerpoint presentation I created and provided by AmericaHires360
2. Read: HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, published by Career Press