Selling Your Requests

Delivery Style Gets to YES!

Frequently I hear questions of, “How can I get…”?  In today’s economy it usually centers on the job or promotion, as well as the sale.

Sales techniques support your case when implemented correctly.  To begin, your odds for any request are 50/50 with the answer being either Yes or No.  Using the following suggestions, you will decrease the less desirable result and increase the more favorable odds for getting to Yes! HIRED! or Promoted!

Avoiding the negative is paramount when making a request.  This includes making a demand, sounding negative or threatening to leave, or becoming confrontational.  Instead, proceed with a smile on your face and in your heart.

Behind the scenes, review circumstances leading up to your believing you deserve action on your behalf.  Replay highlights of previous conversations where you began by taking on their challenge to provide a solution, and that your solution was met with great enthusiasm.  Beef it up with an example of a struggle encountered but you persevered to the great outcome.  

Keep your story to two minutes or less and practice (do NOT memorize) in front of a mirror.  Check for a smile on your face, erect posture and that you look and sound confident.  Memorization will spoil the plan because your delivery must look unrehearsed and natural.  After all, you will be having a conversation about the matter.  Next, create a list of current problems and a list of benefits that will come about by granting your request.

When the objection about “no money” arises, agree with the fact we are in tough times.  But, then ask in your own words, “What will be the cost of not moving forward?”   After the dialogue, offer your ideas regarding the benefits of moving forward and further develop the conversation.  Getting both sides of the argument and a willingness to meet in the middle will bring about a greater likelihood of being told Yes!

This line of communication is exemplified through story-telling in my book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results

Announcement:  My 20 minute powerpoint presentation for job seekers is posted  on YouTube

Communicating as a peer will put you on the path to a Smooth Sale!


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