Making Your Aspirations Come True
Take Action!
When we begin our journeys whether for business or career, we tend to have very high hopes for what we will achieve. Unfortunately, many times we are faced with circumstances other than what we initially envisioned.
The better starting place when an unforeseen occurrence takes placeis to stop in your tracks to analyze where you are and where you now wish to be. Take quiet time to figure out what to do next so as not to lose valuable time. Some questions to ask are: Were the errors on your part or those of someone else? List the errors and you may do in the future to avoid them. Do you still have the same ambition or has it changed?
Once you can see the direction to take next and it feels right, the next step is to create a plan for making it happen. It’s not always easy, but step by step you will get there. The important thing is to take control the best you may to move forward. Even if it means making one phone call or terminating a service, do it the first day, and do another task the second day and by the end of the week following the plan, you will be in a more positive mindset.
Entrepreneurs need to figure out their next stream of revenue and how to get the sale, while job seekers need to contemplate where the bist fit for their talents might be and then prepare for the next interview. The willingness to keep plowing through difficult challenges are what get you to where you wish to be.
My experience with all of this? After quitting an unethical company and recuperating from a broken neck, I realized I was destined to begin my own business. Over the years, it has grown and taken on new capabilities. Not fighting my inner voice but going with it instead, has led me to The Smooth Sale!
I will be co-facilitating a meeting for women on Belief, Vision and Plan for a Better Tomorrow this Saturday, October 15, 10:00 a.m. to Noon at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center in San Francisco. There is no fee to attend and we hope you will be able to join us there! Click the belief link for more information.
A 20 minute YouTube video & powerpoint presentation I created and provided by AmericaHires360