Calling the Special People in Your Life

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Old Friends Come Together

During business hours, I have been calling those who made a difference in my business life, past and present.  The striking similarities among the calls is that the other party was excited to hear from me.  More notable, each call was comprised of updates and brainstorming of how we could help the other.  The offer of help was natural and voluntary without thinking twice.  

Who do you know that you can call right now to do a similar exchange?  Many ideas may arise from the simple friendship call, however, at worst case you will re-energize your friendship.  The call to your friend is not necessarily to make a sale but to strenghten the relationship, and it may remind them to also “tell a friend”.  For more on getting the sale and building relationships, read, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results.  

Should you be seeking work, reconnect with everyone and let them know the type of company for which you wish to work as well as the type of position you desire. Include personal friends, acquaintances and those with whom you worked in the past.  Meanwhile establish your expertise online to be seen.  Write posts and articles, and answer questions posted through the groups.  When you spread your message far and wide, someone will be listening.  You will have a far easier time of hearing HIRED!

Relaxed conversations bring about the Smooth Sale!

Presenting A New Class for Job Seekers:

Experience Unlimited – EDD
December 8, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
“How to Sell Yourself On Interviews”
745 Franklin, San Francisco CA
(415) 771-1776


Upcoming Classes for Entrepreneurs:

SBA San Francisco
January 26, 6-8:00 p.m.
“Relationship Building and Selling through all Media”
455 Market Street, #600
San Francisco, CA 94105
Registration Required

SBA San Francisco
April 24, 6-8:00 p.m.
“How to Quickly Write A Book and Sell More Copies”
455 Market Street, #600
San Francisco, CA 94105
Registration Required


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