When Doubt Clouds Your Thoughts…

Dar Tifl 4

Rather than quit, help others!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why am I doing this?”  And then gave yourself many reasons as to why you should quit?  

I’m willing to bet these thoughts are quite common among many.  We experience highs and enjoy them immensely, but when the lows hit, we recognize how hard we work and wonder, Is it all really worth it?  

When doubt begins to overtake your mind, look back on your successes.  Think about your next upcoming favorite project and the benefits it may bring.  Then review all that you have learned in the process.

It is the analysis of your learning that may be put to good use by teaching the finer points to others.  In addition to the reward of newfound appreciation, you may be able to develop new products and services out of the experience.  In the meantime, others will have benefitted from your willngness to share.   

Community service has always been included in my business plan.  When done from a place of complete giving, it’s a very soft sell.  You are appreciated, recommended and many times referred.  You may even find a job offer from the experience and hear HIRED!  Helping others leads the way to a Smooth Sale!

I’m looking forward to offering the following classes in San Francisco with the help of the organizations hosting:


Experience Unlimited – EDD
December 8, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
“How to Sell Yourself On Interviews”
745 Franklin, San Francisco CA
(415) 771-1776


Motivation Marathon:  Design Your Best Year Yet!
January 14-22 Virtual Conference featuring Multiple Experts
January 19, 10:a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET  – Elinor Stutz


SBA San Francisco
January 26, 6-8:00 p.m.
“Relationship Building and Selling through all Media”
455 Market Street, #600
San Francisco, CA 94105
Registration Required

For more insight on interviewing and sales consider:

AmericaHires360 – 20 minute PowerPoint Presentation per Interviewing

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, published by Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, published by Career Press

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