Attention to details generates bigger opportunity

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Most likely everone feels overwhelm at times.  It is during these times we tend to forget the details or wish we could for those who know better.  Interviewing for a job, you may be asked to provide a referral, a hard fact in reference to a project you spoke of, or you will need to respond to something that was said to clarify meaning.  In business, we need to clarify at all times and remain on top of our game.  Here are some tips to help you make this happen.:


1.  Make note as to when and how the other party would like you to follow up

2.  Review all conversation mentally and by notes

3.  Maintain a running task list in prioritized order

4.  Block time slots for special projects

5.  Clean up email

6.  Once per week straighten up your desk

7. Document your successes and other notable categories

8. Always work toward your long term goal


This short list should help to make your business or interviewing more efficient.  When this is in place, it’s easier to pay careful attention to what is being said and not said so that you may more accurately respond in kind.  This type of communication will more quickly land you in that desired job or the clientele you were seeking.  It will seemingly be a very Smooth Sale!

Proud to Announce:  OpenView Labs concludes ~ 

We are in the Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012!


Teaching an SBA San Francisco Class tonight:

January 26, 6-8:00 p.m.
“Relationship Building and Selling through all Media”
455 Market Street, #600
San Francisco, CA 94105
Registration Required



For more information read:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results,

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.


Announcing Our Brand New Video Trainings to Fast Track 2012!




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