Goodwill Attracts the Right Attention


Thoughtfulness is one of the key ingredients for building long term relationships and for achieving what it is you are after whether a job or a new client.  Two distinct examples illustrate this:

“Kate” relayed to me that when she is invited to a party and gives flowers to the hostess, she also includes an inexpensive vase.  Her explanation was that providing the flowers already in water and in a vase helps the hostess alleviate any disruption of smoothly greeting other guests.  Kate definitely puts herself in the shoes of others by doing this and presents a true gift on many levels.  

This is the exact technique to use when interviewing or meeting with prospects and clients.  Understanding all of the ramifications of what you are saying and offering to do from their point of view will make or break getting the job or the sale.

Taking the idea to another level is that of developing a group on a social media site such as LinekdIn.  Groups are created primarily to host discussions to help your community.  Leading well, trust builds.  And when the trust builds, followers will begin to inquire as to your services.  Social media is all about attracting opportunity, jobs and clientele.  Lead by example with a measure of community service to enjoy the Smooth Sale! 

On March 8th, we will be celebrating International Women’s Day.  You may wish to find an event near you to personally meet the people in your community.  The event in San Francisco will take place at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel. I will be receiving the Global Leadership Award” and speaking on “How to Build A Large International Following”  I hope you will be able to join us there.   

For Details and Registration please click here.

For more information read:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results,

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.


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