Are You Inspired to Get HIRED! or Business?
Whether developing business, attracting clientele or interviewing for a job, the relationship building techniques are the same. The question is are you inspired and motivated to make a difference to achieve your goals? And more importantly, are you willing to invest the time and money to learn how to do it well?
Whether you learn on your own or hire someone to help you doesn’t matter, it is the motivation to get it done that does. My own example is when I first began Smooth Sale, I had no idea how to begin marketing my services. Fast forward a few years, I now speak on how to implement a social media plan that is effective and will be speaking at the SBDC on how entrepreneurs may implement a solid marketing plan.
Although I am now teaching marketing strategy and business development, I, too, need to continually learn to remain current and possibly ahead of the curve with new trends. In exchange for all that I learn, I reach out to those coming up behind me to teach them the same. This is the technique I use for building community or followings as we say in social media terms. What may you teach to enjoy thriving communities?
As far as community service goes, teaching job seekers how to interview best is my passion. On April 27th, at the San Francisco Palace Hotel, a new event has been created for those in Career Transition ~ “An Evening of Inspiration” ~ “Be Inspired to Get HIRED!” . Click the link to the landing page for more information. And please pass the information along to those individuals and groups you know who will benefit from the information.
When you help your clientele and associates, you soon find yourself on the wave of the Smooth Sale!
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