Efficiencies Provide Time for Business Devleopment
Entrepreneurs are required to do so many tasks it can all be very overwhelming. In fact, many do not know where to turn first or tend to forget which task has top priority. Consequently, they lose time trying to remember or finish insignificant tasks first leaving the client oriented ones for last, and sometimes the client is deeply disappointed. What to do?
Keep a running task list for what you need to do Although other matters of importance may interrupt your day, you never lose track of what needs to be done next. Just by keeping a running list, you save about an hour a day.
Have you ever been in the need of writing an article but don’t know where to start? Review the past week to see what you tweets, posts, and/or blogs said. Generally speaking you will find a running theme that ran through your subconscience – this is the making of a great new article. More time is saved by not having to stare at the wall wondering what to write.
Are you putting off phone calls? List all the people you need to call and make those calls one after the other. Rather than dreading each of them, you pick up momentum after the first couple. The energy picks up in your voice, the other party returns the excitement and your chances for finding business are far better. When the energy picks up, you move at a faster pace to make more calls and get more done. Once again, time is saved.
Today, witness where you are stalling getting things done. What can you do to improve? Promise yourself you will cut out the wasted time to make a difference in your business or lining up interviewing possibilities. You will be headed for a Smooth Sale!
Should you desire further ideas, great networking and inspirational advice, consider attending April 27 Event, An Evening of Inspiration, “Be Inspired to Get HIRED!”
Click the above link for details and Registration, and call with questions: 800-704-1499.
For Additional Sales Strategies, Read:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.