Build the Platform and They Will Come

A newfound friend on Twitter wrote he did what his heart desired in his 20’s by sailing the seas.  My handle @smoothsale appealed to him so he introduced himself.  

“Bill” admitted there were days he wondered why he put himself through such torture.  Doesn’t that sound similar to building a business or interviewing for a job?!  But beneath all of it, he loved the experience of dealing with the unknown, the finding and acknowledging of his capabilities, and ultimately looking back to say, “I did it my way.”  This sounds a bit like the song sung by Sinatra and Presley.

Bill’s next tweet to me stated when you build a sound platform well, others find you.  This is the essence of social media. When adapted correctly people do find you in a variety of ways. Our connection is evidence of that. 

In my opinion, the top 3 methods for building your platform and brand are:

1. Excellent content

2. Consistency

3. Collaboration in promotion

Any new business begins with an idea.  Think about the lightbulb, Henry Ford’s first car, or recycling.  Initially the public deemed these ideas to be nuts.  But the inventors kept on pushing.  The absurdity of putting down another’s ideas is highlighted in the fact that in their early day, even Apple Computer was dismissed.  It was said it would never go anywhere.  Now I’m betting people who made the pronouncement are sorry they didn’t buy stock in the company!

So the questions becomes what do you believe?  What do you want? And, how will you get there?  Once you have the answers to these three, the fourth question is how do you anticipate doing help others in the form of community service?  Getting these concepts in order and working each and every day toward your vision will steer you to the Smooth Sale!

Consider attending our  April 27 Event, An Evening of Inspiration, “Be Inspired to Get HIRED!”  

Click the above link for details and Registration, and call with questions: 800-704-1499.   

For Additional Sales Strategies, Read:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews. 


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