Do You Ask the Right Questions?

“Alice” took it upon herself to train an employee at a grocery store the moment she realized her request wasn’t fully understood.  Please be aware, she may have been out of place doing so but nevertheless, her instruction is correct.

Hearing the simple question, “Do you have valencia oranges?” the employee, “John” responded, “No we don’t.”  However, walking down the isle, Alice couldn’t help but notice the organic valencia oranges.  So she ran after John and began to lecture.  

Take note that this type of thinking applies both to interviewing and corporate sales as well.  Any time you wish to get hired or gain a happy client, this type of questioning is essential.  Here is what Alice said:

“When a customer asks for a particular product that you do not have in standard fare, say so but also offer the organic variety.  Give the customer a choice.  Won’t the store make more money if the customer purchases organic?  When you come up for review, won’t you look good that you referred more people to the more expensive foods?  Do you like the feeling of people walking out of the store empty-handed, or happy with the food in hand that you recommended?”

For any type of sale whether career or converting your propsect to a client,  looking at the entire picture and offering multiple possibilities always increases your odds for achieving your goals.  The process of Q&A and understanding also sends a signal that you care.  This is what frequently will win your prospects over to say either HIRED! or Sold!    In fact, it becomes a very Smooth Sale!


Additional Sales Strategies, Read:
In Paperback and Highly Rated on Amaon’s Kindle:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results 

@Clovia Hamilton  “@smoothsale Doing more than fine now that I’ve “finally” read your book “Nice Girls DO Get sales”!!!  

@ Beauty Night  “You are so welcome – love love love her book Nice Girls Do Get the Sale.”


Profitable Prior to Going Into Print:
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.


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