Avoiding the Totem Pole Error
Today, I was reminded once again of the error most businesspeople make when it comes to the fateful totem pole sales error. In seeking work, career advancement or new business, the principles are the same. Let me explain.
Most of us are familiar with the fact that the highest level employee is the one who makes the final decision and most likely the quickest. Salespeople target CEO’s, and those seeking high level positions do the same, and that is the correct path to take, However, the error frequently made is that of ignoring those reporting to the CEO, to the Directors, to Managers and so on. Receptionists and those opening the door for you are usually completely ignored.
Very often those seemingly at the bottom of the totelm pole report back to their managers who relay the message upward. This becomes even more important if you are there to interview. Another factor overlooked is that on occasion the direct report to the CEO or in a smaller company, the spouse will be filling in for the receptionist who was ill.
Those currently in jobs seeking to move up the chain of command will do far better to treat their teammates and those below them with equal respect. In this manner, you will be more likely to get the support you need when an opportunity for promotion comes along.
For businesspeople seeking clients and sales, the better approach is to treat everyone as the CEO of their own job. The people in the seemingly low level positions will be rooting for you.
When you treat everyone with equal respect you will be headed for the wave of the Smooth Sale!
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International Best-Seller:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.