Logic in Pricing
Those seeking employment and entrepreneurs alike should research the value of what they have to offer. Prior to an interview, find what competitive companies are paying people in your field. And prior to putting a new product or service on the market know the range of pricing among similar service providers.
Given your level of experience and the quality of delivery that you offer will determine where you should set your asking price. You never want to under-value your services but at the same time you don’t want to prohibit further action.
On one occasion the price per unit was less for 2 items than it was for 3. This is backwards from the norm. Worse yet, it did not provide incentive to buy the bigger quantity.
Pricing came to mind after experiencing pricing insanity at a local shop. Upon inquiring about the price of custom made cheese, “Brian” was told, 2 miniature wheels of cheese were a total of $12 and 3 wheels of cheese totaled $10. What?! The total amount was less for three than for two!
Neither of these scenarios made sense; logic escaped their pricing!
Pricing is one of the last steps before sales come your way; getting it right will put you on the wave of the Smooth Sale!
Read Additional Sales Techniques:
International Best-Seller in Paperback and Highly Rated on Amaon’s Kindle:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.