Attract the Right Job or Clientele:

Some strive to achieve big business, but at what cost? And how do we protect ourselves from a business that appears to put aside the public or client’s best interest?

Integrity is the Soul of Sales
My Story

Admittedly, I’m balancing a fine line today. It all began with a diagnosis alerting me that it might be time to get my will in order. Over a nine-month period, I provided enough blood to bring a vampire to life.  Additional tests, sleepless nights and weighing down one’s family is the unspoken type of ‘cost.’ Thankfully, the drama finally ended with an ‘all clear.’

The question of big business reared its ugly head when I told only a handful of people about my ordeal. Out of the five, one man shared he was given a diagnosis of severe lung cancer. He was told little time was left for him and to get his will in order. Meanwhile, multiple oxygen tanks were sent to his home.

Strangely, Bill never felt he needed the tanks. He began to question the reality of his diagnosis. As more questions were asked, the less the original story about his health appeared to be true.

And then Marie revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She suffered a similar ordeal to mine and Bill’s. Her nerve-wracking experience also lasted many months. It was Marie’s remark that caught my attention:  “I became suspicious that cancer is Big Business!”

The Sales Playbook for Big Business

Marie and I are both well versed in business and sales. We both look for the motivation behind offers made to us, what employers expect, and how clients see solutions. We dig deep. Our thought is that the pharmaceutical and medical industries are in need of coming to grips with questionable integrity.

Salespeople who excel, dig deep with questions to verify all facts before ever offering a solution. The purpose is to know they are on the right track. If this were modeled by the cancer group, months of agony could potentially be eliminated for many.

On another level, pharmaceutical companies appear to have many doctors in their back pocket. They are treated to chartered bus tours of the wine country and 5-star luncheons prepared by famous chefs. Others are gifted stays at high-end resorts for big business presentations.

Obligations increase almost as if some of the doctors are commissioned salespeople. We have all heard about or been witness to the demand that we buy unaffordable drugs. On several occasions, I fell victim to attempted persuasion in this regard. Fortunately, sales and public speaking taught me how to stand my ground and say, no thank you.

It’s time for all business to regroup and examine their policies and procedures in place. The interest of their intended clientele is to be front and center. Anyone employed and uncomfortable with the practices of the business they represent will do well to seek other work.

For added insight and humor, read “Do You Define Sales Boundaries?” 

 Your Story About Big Business

There is rarely a perfect job where one jumps for joy on Monday morning to get to work. On the other hand, some are better than others.

  • As an employee, are you comfortable with the culture of your company and the delivery of services?
  • As an entrepreneur, are you confident you hold your client’s interests in high regard?

Your job is to figure out where improvement can be made. As an employee, see if your team and the executives are willing to listen to new ideas. If you are an executive, have this discussion on an on-going basis. Entrepreneurs will do best to compare notes with peers to find the better answers.  Advocate for ethics courses.

Whether you are in a hiring capacity, an executive or businessperson, know your core values and principles match those of the people with whom you work. Life will be less stressful, and you will feel more motivated to continue making advances.

Sales Tips for Working with Big Business:
  1. Do not rush to judgment but explore facts first
  2. Come to understand your clientele and their thought upfront
  3. Don’t sound the emergency bell until you have all the facts
  4. Attempt to work out a corrected course of action together
  5. Frightening clientele into ‘buying’ rarely works
  6. Maintain calm and common sense in conversations
  7. Eliminate coercion for recommending your services
  8. Put people first and the money second to earn client loyalty
  9. Build a reputable personal and business brand
  10. Celebrate Success!

For More Insights:   Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

“Communicate to Attract Interest”

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen. HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best-seller. Visit Elinor Stutz' Author Page on Amazon:

               Be A Story-Teller



As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.”Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and is Evergreen – among the classics; HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired. 



Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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