Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
When I first learned of the ‘Takeaway’ sales technique, I had to stop in my tracks to comprehend the idea.
At first, I only saw the humor in it, but over time, the necessity arose to embrace the strategy. This is true for the seller, the buyer, and for job seekers, too.
My Story
Due to the need to travel to Los Angeles, there was no question that a rental car would be a necessity. Public transit, for the most part, is not an option, and so a car rental reservation was made. Further planning had me remove numerous items from my wallet before travel. Included, unintentionally, was the credit card used to reserve the car. And so the fun began.
After a 35 minute wait in line, it was my turn to agree to the paperwork for the car. Upon being asked for the credit card, I provided the one and only in my wallet. I was told that the one used to make the reservation was needed for me to be given the keys to the car. The words came across as a threat that I would not be able to rent the automobile, although the second card was still in my hand.
I responded by saying the original credit card was located across the country. The statement was followed up with the question, “How would you like me to handle this?” The fellow said, “just sign the paperwork.” Uncertain of the reality, I used my takeaway for assurance by stating, “If you want to to negate the contract, I’ll take the bus.” He then said, “I have the authority to override the arrangement, just authorize it here.”
Uncertain of the reality, I used my takeaway for assurance by stating, “If you want to to negate the contract, I’ll take the bus.” He then said, “I have the authority to override the arrangement, just authorize it here.”
In that exact moment, control over the arrangement changed hands. The man behind the counter initially thought I was desperate for the car, but he quickly saw I was willing to walk away. Instead, he was the one to become concerned as he wanted the commission on the rental. he take-away changed the dynamics and moved the situation to my favor.
The take-away changed the dynamics and moved the situation to my favor.
Your Story
Take time to revisit recent situations that took you by surprise. Next, think about how you visually and verbally reacted.
As the supplier did you:
- Refuse to find an agreement
- Offer possibilities to satisfy the other
- Cheerfully come to a meeting of the minds?
As the buyer, how do you handle miscommunication?
- Become argumentative
- Ask for new possibilities
- Offer to walk away?
The takeaway may be used in two formats. As the buyer, you may present something as being too expensive for the client’s budget and suggest they consider it for later on. In some cases, they will find the budget to purchase. One caution is to be careful how you use it as it may come across as manipulative. On the other hand, when one is selling to larger companies, very often budgets are hidden but once the value is understood, the money is suddenly found.
As a buyer, the takeaway sales technique is an asset, particularly in the case, when one feels taken advantage. Never be emotionally attached to what you are buying, and be willing to walk.
Many buying options exist, and it’s rare that one needs to be dependent on one supplier. Sellers, take note. Most often when you treat others in a friendly manner, you will find the outcome you seek.
P.S. Listen to Razor’s Edge Podcast, all about sales and hosted by Barbara Giamanco.
Sales Tips:
- When an obstacle presents itself stop to take a deep breath first.
- Consider all possibilities up for discussion.
- Inquire of the other party which option they prefer.
- Provide benefits for each possibility.
- Only move forward if satisfactory for all those involved.
- Ask questions to influence a favorable decision.
- Understand all outcomes possible.
- Be willing to walk away from the situation.
- Show strength and other options awaiting.
- Celebrate success!
Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
P.S. Send us your sales related questions to
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