Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:

Power is in the Numbers for Growth When Properly Done

Whichever type of business or career we want to pursue or the associated endeavors, we must realize the concept’s weight; the power is in the numbers for growth. Numbers don’t lie, but people sometimes do, making the numbers game a caution to ensure no one omits integrity.

Establishing professional relationships with individuals who uphold integrity in challenging situations can surpass the numbers game. This approach fosters trust and enhances our visibility, leading to increased growth. The irony is that prioritizing integrity can amplify our power to achieve our goals. Ultimately, the power in the numbers for growth when correctly done.


Power is in the Numbers for Growth

My Story

Early in my sales career, I was advised to make an exponential number of cold calls daily. However, I soon realized that understanding the ‘why’ behind each prospect’s willingness to engage was more important than the numbers. My shift in perspective led to more doors opening, a stark contrast to the continuous ‘no’ replies my colleagues received. 

Lesson 1: The power of personal connection and understanding generates interest with business to follow soon after. Over time, clients begin selling on our behalf by telling those they know about our unique service and reliability. Connecting personally to build unique relationships is a lesson that continues to guide me in my business journey.

Lesson 2: The only competitor is in any negativity we may hold in our minds. We need to be fearless in taking new strides to overcome doubt, and to realize our better path.

Companies and Entrepreneurs

Similarly, companies need to monitor their expenditures versus their income to find their power in the numbers for growth. It’s vital to remain ahead of the curve, and entrepreneurs will do well if they adopt similar tactics. However, beware that integrity is the #1 ingredient for deciding whether to move forward or back away when dealing with financial matters. Otherwise, poor decisions can negatively and disproportionately affect the remainder of one’s life.

The Game Changer: Proving the Point

One of our familiar themes is collaborating with those who complement our work. A colleague introduced me to postings that may be helpful for my audience. Uncertainty hit as I was already posting a fair amount, but one more idea came to me to give it a try. The results were remarkable:

  • A never-before-seen number of views began recording.
  • Platform suggestions arrived, noting where else to post the same information.
  • Sharing the good work of others proves the point that Power is in the Numbers for Growth When Properly Done.

Pushing the Pedals

It was satisfying to know that many people ‘liked’ the post in multiple ways. But then the work of another came forth, and I weighed the pros and cons of whether I’d be posting too frequently. On the other hand, the gentleman in question shares helpful advice. My question was, Do I ‘annoy’ people with frequent posting or hope they will regard it as valuable information for their endeavors?

Upon testing the idea by reposting his content, it is well-received, and frequently, suggestions include posting the exact verbiage for varying groups. My doubt faded to allow the ongoing process of sharing incredible work from multiple people that benefits many.

Your Story: Power is in the Numbers for Growth

Initially, you may be excited to showcase what you know for many to see. However, one audience is generally limited in size, whereas reposting for others reaches multiple audiences with similar interests. In turn, many will share it with their audiences to then help you create exponential results. Accordingly, you may also be the next person they decide to follow.

No matter the endeavor, leaving one’s ego behind is vital for a more accurate examination of current possibilities. A common phrase is, ‘The numbers don’t add up.’ Therefore, testing and monitoring your results is vital to knowing whether the effort is fruitless, needs revision, or brings more possibilities than previously thought possible.

In Conclusion: Power is in the Numbers for Growth

Statistics reveal what is genuine versus made-up stories. Like dissecting the news or the stock market, ‘just the facts,’ as Columbo, the detective, would state, lend credibility and a larger following than most believe possible. Follow the numbers to realize a better path and outcome for business growth.

For more Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen: 
A Classic!

HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best seller. and helped many to secure the job they desired.

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower”

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Sales Tips: Power is in the Numbers for Growth

  1. Know the needs and desires of your audience, including your next new employer, in detail. Be Inspired and Inspiring!
  2. Give due thought to new ideas by weighing the pros and cons.
  3. Research news on your industry and discuss it with trusted peers.
  4. Commit to testing one new idea per month or quarterly and monitor the results carefully.
  5. Consider a side collaborative effort with a peer you admire.
  6. Incorporate new ideas into your efforts to witness the results they may bring.
  7. Monitor the decrease or increase in monetary income due to each new activity you implement.
  8. Upon realizing an effective new effort, seek to maximize the benefits with integrity.
  9. Create a collaborative network to increase the new ideas for business and income generation.
  10. Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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