by smoothsale | Aug 20, 2012 | Business Development
What Does Your Recipe Indicate? A family member proudly sent a favorite receipe. It required sauteeing and blending. However, there were no instructions on how to serve. It was liquid, so I cleverly poured “The Sauce” over pasta....
by smoothsale | Aug 14, 2012 | Business Development
Finding Agreement Whether you need to negotiate a sale or answer objections on an interview, the required steps are to find the place where all parties may come to agreement for a happy outcome. There is one route that almost always works. And on...
by smoothsale | Aug 13, 2012 | Business Development
Embrace This Habit! It was SO frustrating trying to work with a couple of businesspeople, I had to back out. Should you be interviewing for a job, consider if you are experiencing the same: Too much talking on their part Incorrect...
by smoothsale | Aug 9, 2012 | Business Development
Rules for Declining Opportunity Some opportunities are equal to “A wolf disgusied in sheep’s clothing”. So today’s blog is the exact opposite of what I normally preach of saying yes to opportunity. Job offers need to be examined with the same...
by smoothsale | Aug 6, 2012 | Business Development
Responding to the Unexpected Has a prospective employer or client ever asked you to do something that is almost within your reach of capability but of which you never previously or seriously considered? On occasion, most of us are caught by surprise;...