Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #575

Use this Winning Combination for Best Results photo credit: sasha.marvin Collaboration and Community Service Upon compiling stories, for my new book, there was an evident theme.  The people I chose to use as living examples of how they overcame seemingly...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #573

Deadlines and Expections Set Properly Increase Results photo credit: Tap Dance Not Required! We all have those days where a project gets delayed and the client is waiting.  Many businesspeople tend to ignore a deadline – the worst...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Tip #572

Loyalty and priorities combined create increased results photo credit: Zack Sheppard Friends forever Companies of all sizes experience growing pains.  Whether an entrepreneur or a giant corporation, you will find false starts and then stops to reinvent where you...