Establish Your Leadership Ability

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Beginning a career is a long journey into the unknown. We can’t be certain about how our thought will be accepted or our actions rewarded. The only certainty is the power we have over our values and priorities, and the way in which...

Value Supersedes Price to Earn Business

Attract the Right Job or Clientele Those newer to the sales profession are usually so desperate to make a sale; they start with the lowest price available. Yet, they lose the sale. Why is that? These people are unaware how to build a conversation, terms of the sale or...

Creative Ideas to Ramp Up Success

Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Most people new to a sales job face a hefty quota in addition to management hounding them to make their numbers. It becomes the perfect combination to maximize stress in the individual and tempt them to quit. But we all know that...