Attract the Right Job or Clientele:
As I struck out hearing three no’s, I began viewing sales as a sport. At first, the negativity was highly disappointing. But as my mindset started to change to a discovery of the next best strategy, I considered the sports familiar to me. And so began my gaming of sales and building a unique definition of SAAS.
My Story About Sales As A Sport
My style for learning is by trial and error. Reviewing each evening what works well and what does not finds me ready to continue the next day. For further insight read “Do You Reflect On the Past to Improve the Future?”
Not having the muscular strength of most males, I learned to use strategy and finesse. For example, playing ping pong, I would hit the ball to the right, and then the left. And to catch the opponent off guard, I would then strategically hit the ball to land next to the net and then to the back edge of the table where the ball would quickly slide down to the ground. I laughed with delight as the frustration of others was loudly expressed.
Similarly, when one person at a company would tell me ‘no,’ I would seek out the next and then the next. Giving up on an account was rarely the answer. The only exception was detecting less than a truthful person. Otherwise, I viewed everyone employed at the company as a candidate for helping me through the system.
My sales as a sport strategy mirrored hitting the ping pong ball left, right, next to the net and at the edge of the table. I spoke to everyone as equals. Included were guards, gatekeepers, receptionists, and people in the basement, in addition to the executives of large corporations.
My favorite example was having called the CEO of a company. Upon hearing my brief introduction, he impatiently advised ‘that’s not my job, and don’t ever bother me again!’ I quickly replied, ‘ if you tell me whose job it is, I promise to never call you again!’
The CEO and I hung up the phone, and I quickly made the next call. Upon hearing, ‘hello,’ I said, ‘Mr. CEO said that you are the one person with whom I should have a conversation.’ Complements were apparently a rarity. The gentleman’s response was, ‘How soon can you come in?’!
Your Story About Sales As A Sport
Consider your style and if there are any similarities to athletes. For example, are you quick to change strategy that isn’t working and are you dedicated to getting to goal?
Do You:
- Give yourself a pep talk each day
- Hire a coach when needed
- Get back up when you fall down
- Continue to improve your game
- Seek to perfect the better habits
- Deliver with precision?
Taking care of ourselves is another aspect of improving our game. When mind, body, and spirit come together as one our outlook improves. Exercise, a healthy diet and peace of mind play into the better outcome.
Not every day will be stellar. But when we are willing to learn from the worst to deliver our best in the future, that’s when the good begins to happen. The power of positive thinking and encouraging yourself to give each day everything you have make a huge difference.
To develop a larger raving fan base, ask your clientele:
- How they would rate your current delivery
- What you may do to improve
- If everything meets expectations, are they willing to make a referral
When fans see athletes improving their game over time, loyalty grows. Similarly, your clientele will appreciate the effort you put in on their behalf. Their loyalty grows into repeat business and referrals.
Sales Tips for Sales As A Sport
- Commit to acknowledging shortcomings
- Strive to improve each day
- Hire a coach
- Take classes
- Exercise
- Eat healthily
- Think positively
- Observe competitors for missing pieces
- Strategize and prepare for each day
- Celebrate Success!
For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
“Communicate to Attract Interest”
As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.”Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and is Evergreen – among the classics; HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired.
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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