Photo by Rey Lopez for the Washington Post

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:

Will You Use A Spooky Concept to Initiate Conversations with Prospects?

In anticipation of the Halloween holiday, plus seeing the photo above, brings up the question, ‘Will you use a spooky concept to initiate conversations with prospects?’ While it may sound ridiculous, a touch of creativity and bravery to a degree will enable more sales.

My Story 

Flavorful Sales Example #1

In the early days of sales, I was willing to try any unique idea that put a smile on my face. On the first job, the Manager suggested that beginning a week before Halloween, during our door-to-door territorial cold-calling approach, we gift guards, receptionists, and all others whom we meet with miniature candy bars.

The receiving of candy was the sweet spot of the employees’ day, initiating a warm welcome and entry into the CEO suite. The strategy proved to be highly successful.

Corporate Trick or Treat Continues Example #2

Two jobs later and new to the organization, fear hit me hard. Before Halloween week, I was forewarned by a guard with a gun never to attempt to enter the premises again. The candy bars were in the back seat, but I had to take ten minutes to build up the courage to get out of the car to reencounter the threatening guard. There was no way I could tell the Manager how scared I was because I probably would have been fired.

Ten minutes later, the adrenaline is at an all-time high. The doors are hefty and challenging to open. What do I do?

As I struggled to fling the door wide open, I wound up my arm, with a candy bar in hand, in wide circular motions as if I were pitching a baseball. And then unwittingly threw the candy bar at the guard. My action stunned me, and then I thought to myself, what have I done?

My eyes focused on the guard and his gun; I was utterly taken by surprise. Tears were running down his cheeks as he spoke these unforgettable words, ‘No one has ever given me anything before.’

Upon walking a bit closer to the guard due to his mumbling, I was further astonished. He offered his black book with the names and numbers of all the contacts in the building. The suggestion was to take it into the Lady’s Room to capture what I needed and return it to him but not tell anyone at the company. 

The promise was made and kept. Surprisingly, upon calling each person, they begged me to come in sooner rather than later because work was very dull without visitors, and they knew it was due to the guard. Every person I met initially asked ‘how…’ with wonderment.

Your Story: A Spooky Concept to Initiate Conversations with Prospects

If the above story brings a smile to your face, now is the time to consider what you might do to stir the imagination and increase interest in your offerings. 

Now that remote work is in vogue and everyone is online, here are possibilities to stir your imagination:

  1. Consider an e-card membership to send varying types of cards.
  2. Send candy to your loyal clientele if you have the budget.
  3. During conversations, ask your prospects and clients how they may be celebrating the varying holidays.

Test ideas to see which generate an enthusiastic conversation and the willingness to learn more about you and your business. The review will point you in a better direction and enable sales growth.

In Conclusion: Use A Spooky Concept to Initiate Conversations with Prospects

Holidays are to celebrate with family and friends. From a business perspective, celebrate with clientele however you may, and consider whether a spooky concept to initial conversations aligns with your personality. At the very least, inquire how they will be enjoying their celebration and view sending notes of appreciation with an appropriate holiday e-card. The extra effort goes a long way in building relationships and growing the business.

For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

Related Blog Stories:

Encourage Creativity Among Staff
Passion Encourages Creativity
Share Moments with Clientele

Sales Tips: Use A Spooky Concept to Initiate Conversations with Prospects

  1. Enthusiasm is contagious and encourages further conversation, including a spooky concept to initiate!
  2. Test ideas that bring a smile to your face to pass it along.
  3. Unusual strategies will set you apart from the crowded field.
  4. Before you implement an idea, could you picture yourself on the receiving end to tweak it before taking action?
  5. Creatively conjure up new ideas as time moves forward.
  6. Consider how to expand on a well-received action.
  7. Always have the interests of your clientele in mind.
  8. Share stories per the holidays before the serious business conversations.
  9. Thank people for their business.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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