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Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:

Tips To Help Newly Promoted Staff Achieve

Team members who get promoted display many qualities that all team members don’t see, but management does. In an idealistic world, they give something extra, such as working harder, earning more robust sales, or producing better work. They tend to have more passion for their work, products, and services and know the company inside out. 

However, with a remarkable work history behind them, these team members will still need help adjusting to their new roles due to their additional responsibilities to manage. Our collaborative blog offers ‘tips to help newly promoted staff achieve.’


Help Newly Promoted Staff Achieve

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

Be Proactive 

Admired leaders know when to ask for help. They are comfortable doing so because they have people surrounding them who encourage it. Those who don’t ask for help may soon find themselves overwhelmed and then experience doubt about themselves and their future on the job.

No matter how outstanding the person was in their last role, new responsibilities mean mistakes can and will occur. Support the new leader by having conversations about what challenges will come up and how best to deal with them. For a super smooth transition, supervisor training can make a significant difference. 

Coffee Time

An informal, relaxed coffee with the new leader can help you to discuss important matters, but without the pressures of the office being around. You can discuss the expectations you have. Allow them to ask questions because the answers can point them in a better direction and give a greater understanding of how the company works. Additionally, you will get to know each new leader better than before. 

It is also an excellent time to share issues the company sees arising informally and information they will need to do their role the best they can. Having a relationship outside of the office can be very helpful for management.  

Adjust The Relationships

When a team member receives a promotion, most people will be okay with it. However, some members of the team may kick back against it. Adjusting from peer to manager can be highly challenging when the former teammates, now reports, are uneasy about the promotion. 

While a manager isn’t to be a formidable foe, they can sometimes become one. Why? Typically, they maintain some distance from their previous teammates. Once again, two perspectives appear, making the new role more challenging. Former teammates feel the new boss is putting themselves above the rest with their new role and inflated ego. Conversely, in some instances, distancing can help with having a healthy work dynamic


When working in a team, you get the work, do the job, and send follow-up to where it needs to be. As a manager, you receive the work, delegate some and do some of it yourself, keep track of the progress, give feedback above and below, collect the work, check it, and move it along. Numerous other tasks align with what needs to be finalized, plus be on schedule.

New leaders often need training on how to delegate the work, making helpful tips and a system necessary. Alleviating some stress with a dose of assistance serves everyone on the team. Open communication is essential for everyone to feel comfortable voicing their concerns and new ideas, plus feeling included in every respect. Motivation to do more will be on the rise.

In Conclusion: Help Newly Promoted Staff Achieve

Helping a newly promoted team member move into a leadership role takes time and effort to ensure it’s a welcome process. Teamwork in all regards contributes to a more successful outcome. 

For further insights, read ‘Tips to Maximize Your Team Working Together:’ Steps to Encourage Collaboration in Your Office to Improve Results – SmoothSale™ 

 For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Seller and Evergreen: 
A Classic!

HIRED! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews is a best seller. and helped many to secure the job they desired

Visit Elinor Stutz's Author Page on Amazon:

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“Believe, Become, Empower“

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Sales Tips: Help Newly Promoted Staff Achieve

  1. Upfront, ensure the person about to receive a promotion is a team player.
  2. Review the promotion guidelines to confirm that all those who qualify receive due consideration.
  3. Ensure your company cannot be accused of discrimination when it comes to promotion.
  4. Realize the weak points of the new leader to strengthen his overall contributions to the team, upper management, and the company.
  5. Encourage ongoing education for all and include training as budgeting permits.
  6. Establish weekly meetings with the new leader in the first month to identify specific challenges and offer an open-door policy.
  7. When correcting a new approach, do so diplomatically to encourage a better outcome.
  8. Create quarterly meetings to interact with the team and the new leader and provide updates regarding the company and industry.
  9. Repeat as more people receive promotions, strive for diversity, equity, and inclusion to enjoy longer-term employment among staff, and contribute positively to the bottom line.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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