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Attract the Right Job Or Clientele:
Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?
Negativity abounds in society, facing the ongoing sentiment, ‘You Can’t.’ Hearing the words can stop a person in their tracks. However, if the idea in question holds meaning and inspiration, it’s our job to gain a steady footing for moving forward regardless of the doomsday predictions.
Advancing throughout our lifetime, we do best when we contemplate doing something that no one else has; this is the moment to do it! But if we allow fear or the voice of others to interfere, we prevent ourselves from accomplishing our desires. It all boils down to whether we believe statistics are steadfast or temporary.
My Story
Speaking with Cece Shatz, Going Solo Media, CEO, and Joanne Weiland, LinktoExpert, CEO, and sharing my cringe-worthy corporate stories, followed by laughter about the outcomes, was a privilege.
My early childhood instruction, ‘speak up for yourself or no one else will,’ enabled me to proceed more confidently than most. Moreover, first, the bullying boys and then the corporate men were astonished to witness their behaviors toward me were non-stoppers for me. Instead, I took each challenge one at a time. They gave me extra motivation to move forward and succeed.
You may click this link or the button below to enjoy the stories and seriously consider your next steps for achieving the impossible!
Most everyone will face a discouraging moment in time or fear when facing a requirement at work that no one could ever accomplish. An individual may realize they are about to be fired if they do not perform to expectations, whether fair or otherwise. One strategy to avert the situation is to recognize a common thread between events where extra education will be worthwhile for us to achieve our goals and move forward.
Quotes through the ages come to mind upon contemplating one’s career:
- ‘I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference,’ Robert Frost
- ‘To be or not to be that is the question,’ William Shakespeare
- ‘Survival of the fittest,’ Darwinian evolutionary theory
It is up to the individual to take each challenge as it confronts them. One approach is to compartmentalize each aspect to achieve a robust effort, do the same for the next, and continue until the project is complete.
The common phrase we hear is, ‘That’s impossible!’ But no one knows whether something is, in fact, impossible until they give it an all-out effort to make it work well. And if it doesn’t, at the very least, regret will not follow because we tried. On the other hand, initial attempts typically motivate us to continue trying until we get it right and succeed.
Your Story: Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?
No matter the field you select for your career, such as an employee, entrepreneur, or franchise owner, it is typical to encounter minor and more significant setbacks. The differentiator is willing to pause to figure out where the mishap began to fix it or replace it with another strategy.
Ridicule has no place in business, but it does occur on occasion. Your mindset can give you the strength it will take to tackle the issue. Anger never solves anything, but quiet time with meditation, reflection, and attention to new ideas can and will lead you to a better path, should you be willing.
When significant upsets occur, remember that it may be the moment you are about to experience a fantastic new advantage to enjoy excellent new results. However, it will only happen when you are willing to dig deep to rewrite the awful experience for a better one to arrive.
In Conclusion: Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?
The question within each of us is, do we have the stamina to prove, yes, we can? Listen to the above show for inspiring and laugh-out-loud stories about proving to people, ‘Yes, I can!’. Enjoy the insights and then map out how you may take your career to the next level, the next, and so on throughout your lifetime. Over time, you will become a believer that statistics are temporary!
For More Insights, Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page
Communicate to Attract Interest
Be A Story-Teller
“Believe, Become, Empower“
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Sales Tips: Do You Believe Statistics Are Temporary?
- Consider what you ‘wish to be doing’ and the reasoning behind it.
- List the benefits you will derive from doing the unusual.
- Recall the negative commentary you routinely hear to discern career pieces you may miss.
- Now, capture the beginning steps to initiate a new career route.
- Consider necessary expenditures should help from others be necessary.
- Determine if the new measures will allow you to continue as you are while undergoing study of the latest efforts.
- Request conversations from those doing what you desire to hear their suggestions.
- Realize a strong desire to make a significant change and implement actions.
- Retain focus as others attempt to distract you from achieving your goals.
- Celebrate Success!
Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!
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