Connecting with followers produces results

How are you connecting with your followers, if at all?  For example, do you thank each for following you, or do your best to respond to comments made on your tweets and posts?  And how about the tweets and posts of your followers, do you ever comment on those?


Social media isn’t a game about building the largest following.  Instead, it’s about building the most qualified connections.  In this manner, together you may build business or help one another find the next best job.  By sharing your best insights and giving recognition to those sharing their best, you will find the people who matter the most.  It is the collaborative element that will make the difference in your business development and career.

My favorite aspect of connecting with similar minded folks is that it puts greater joy into your effort and the day.  The enjoyment increases the motivation to keep pursuing new creative ideas that brings up the next question:

Do you routinely take time to reflect on what you would like to next create to enhance your services already offered?  Making this a weekly habit will help to propel your business further.

You can take the strategy of connecting a step further to enhance the enjoyment.  As you connect with new people, think about who you already know, and the introductions you might make.  Recently, I met two business owners; one who is the field of marketing and other helps her clientele gain speaking engagements.  Between their complementary endeavors there is no doubt they are able to help one another.

It feels good to help others when you are able.  Building relationships certainly increases the attention and opportunities that come your way leading to the Smooth Sale

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press

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