Multiple choice leads to improved solutions
Remember the old days featuring tests that ask you to choose True or False answers? Those types of tests always drove me crazy because the creative side always saw the grey line, and asked, “What if?” But there was no room for that type of answer.
Today, we have so many choices surrounding us, it’s difficult to say no or yes to all of them. The best course in this case, is to question where you are, where you are headed, and what you want your business or career to become when they mature. Most likely, several paths are at your fingertips. The important piece is to move forward with the avenues that acknowledge learning time, and monetary investment, as well as your priorities and values.
Dependent upon how experienced you are with your endeavor will determine whether to begin with one or multiple choices. The next qualifier is that they each complement and support one another in your marketing – branding effort. This will serve to also build your personal brand, get you better known, and attract increased interest in your work.
For example, in an email alone, you may put your social media links, pictures of your products, and link to wherever you want your email recipient to visit. Likewise, in any social venue you choose, you are free to include a video, a link, and share posts of friends and partners. The point is to intermix everything you do to build and attract wider audiences.
As you can see, the initial multiple choice leads to many multiples. This in turn leads to a dynamic business and career growth. Continually monitoring, learning and implementing ultimately lead to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press