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Are You Ready For Confessions Of A Late Bloomer?

Note: Ruthann Weeks, CIRS, provides today’s guest post, Are You Ready For Confessions Of A Late Bloomer?

Ruthann has the credentials for writing about being a late bloomer.  Why?  She is also a Cultural Change Strategist, Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor, and built her company, Harmony In The Workplace Ltd.


Ready For Confessions

My career was in shambles.  I felt like the world’s biggest failure as my shiny new opportunity became a tattered cloak over my bruised ego.  I was fired from my job.  Again.

It is not that I was unemployable; I had many skills.  It was that I was too much for some people.  I was holding back from saying or doing what was right for fear of offending others.  I spent most of my life not sharing my thought.  I had become a people pleaser. I was trying to stay in the boxes people built for me so that they would love me. You can tell that I was ready for confessions!

Sometimes, while my wings were touching the confines of my present circumstances, I would bust out and say what needed to be said.  Or I would do what needed to be done!  One such time was when I worked in municipal community services.  But, the CAO was corrupt and micromanaging.  When the Mayor and Council asked for a 360-degree review, I gave them one with truth and conviction.  Only, I did not just send it to the mayor as directed.  Instead, I sent the review to the entire council, where it had to be examined and acknowledged.  There was no protection for me.  Another department quickly absorbed my job, and I was let go. 

Months later, more truths revealed themselves.  Others showed they were also ready for confessions.   The manager was released when even more of his corrupt and controlling ways came to light.  I had been right all along. 

I moved on to oversee a small non-profit with a management team. They assured me that no new ventures or innovative ideas were implemented or adopted.  I loved that job.  But, as a visionary and one with a heart for creating change, I felt as if my wings were again touching the walls of my circumstances. 

Again, I carefully conducted a job search to fit my skill set and up-level my career. I found a position in a larger non-profit as a Director. A shiny new opportunity to be the leader I longed to be!

I knew I was in trouble early on, as I had no idea what was going on behind closed doors.  I found out on my first day on the job that the Executive Director who hired me was retiring within three months.  I rarely saw her after that.  A peer Director with long tenure assumed many of the management duties.  She was not involved in hiring me.  She was previously championing someone internal for my position.  She never took the time to get to know me but did make many assumptions about me.

The Director did not trust me and did not like me.  I suggested we move some old files to archives.  But, she accused me of wanting to destroy files.  She often took what I said out of context to turn it into something slimy. 

Once Again, Walking On Eggshells And Playing Small!

In soul-searching agony and silently ready for confessions, I would lie awake at night and try to think out of the toxic situation.  An auto-immune disease that had been dormant for years began to flare, and I became quite sick. I did my best to hide it.  The peer director had the ear of the absentee executive director. Through covert bullying, lies, and disparaging reports on my character, I got let go from that job within months.

I was devastated.  But, I was also relieved because now I was forced into change.  The toxic environment hurt me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  That was October of 2015.  I spent that cold Canadian winter practicing essential self-care:  bubble baths, too much comfort food, binge-watching Netflix. For example, I watched all six seasons of Downton Abbey in two weeks.  The sign I was ready for confession was in trying to distract myself from my failure, disappointment, and the undeserved shame I felt. I wasn’t yet ready for confessions.

Two months was what I allowed myself to bask as the guest of honor at my pity party. Creator tapped me on the shoulder with the reminder that I had always wanted to work for myself.  I founded my business, and Harmony In The Workplace was born.  It was time for me to spread my wings and fly.

My education in Human Resource Management and my professional development and designations gave me the formal credentials to tackle the work.  My personal experience with workplace abuse gave me empathy and the tenacity to work hard to create change.  My purpose was so others would not have to suffer as I had suffered.

My mission was clear.  Teach businesses to embrace organizational psychological safety.  Keep employees free and encouraged to take an interpersonal risk in expressing ideas, thoughts, and opinions without fear of reprisal. Develop an environment where it is safe to challenge the status quo.  Where continuous improvements and innovation creates industry leaders. Develop a place where workers thrive in organizations that prosper. 

Teach others to be ready for confessions and share their stories.

Often, the most painful experiences create the environment for us to move our feet into the destiny we are to reach. We are to be ready for confessions.  By being open about awful situations, we begin to heal.

Entrepreneurship is scary; do it afraid.  Once we start moving with our hearts, it is incredible how that universe comes towards us in ways that support our dreams.  Doors open, and all we need to do is take that step forward. We do not need to know the details; we only step forward in faith.

The biggest challenge I work to overcome is a mindset.  I was previously taught to play small. But my mission now is to rock that big old corporate boat and shake up the hierarchical systems that no longer serve society.  I discovered that every dream or vision before me would receive full attention to see to fruition.

What Do You Think?
: Are You Ready for Confessions?

If failure wasn’t possible, what would you create?  Write it out.  Miracles happen when we take steps toward our dreams, get clear on our vision and start showing up as the woman in that vision.  If you can not believe it for yourself, believe in my belief for you. Start dreaming.  Dreams are cheap; dream BIG!

For More Insights: Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

“Communicate to Attract Interest”

Authentic Relationships Are Essential

Be A Story-Teller

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, after her near-death experience, Stutz adapted the motto, 

 “Believe, Become, Empower

 ” Nice Girls DO Get the Sale is an International Best-Selling and Evergreen Book – among the classics;

 HIRED! Helped many to secure the job they desired. 

Related Blog Stories:

Never Give Up!
Pay Attention To the Lessons
Sales Tips: Ready for Confessions
  1. Admit to what is bothering you and be ready for confessions to share with others.
  2. Figure out a way around the issue or eliminate what’s in place
  3. Create a new plan that will make you proud
  4. Devise a plan with goals and timelines for completion
  5. Confer with trusted peers
  6. Focus on the worst experiences to realize the best lessons for moving forward
  7. Hire a mentor or take a class as needed to elevate your career
  8. Be flexible enough to realize not everything works out as planned
  9. Continue trying and proving to yourself, ‘yes, I can!’
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


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