Do You Find Joy in Your Work?
Entrepreneurs have the advantage over employees and job seekers of focusing on what they enjoy doing most. While it’s a gamble to startup a business, the rewards are enormous, particularly when you enjoy what you are doing.
Focusing on the part of your business that you enjoy most, and finding help for the parts where you don’t excel or don’t find fun, will empower your business plan all the more. Prospective clients can hear the excitement in your voice and see it in your face.
Think back to when you were an employee and had difficulty getting out of bed to go to work – that negative mindset was seen as well. It probably didn’t help your career path.
It is the excitement conveyed to others as you speak and write that will be well-received. Your audience will want to find out more about your projects and potentially use your services. Sharing the joy is a great and natural business development tool. People want what you have when they see you in a happy frame of mind. This is what encourages sales.
Finding the joy in your work will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press