Teamwork Drives the Smooth Sale

Future sales are dependent upon the quality of customer service, integrity of standing behind what you sold and delivery that satisfies expectations.  The smallest detail gone awry can break up any relationship including the immediate sale as well as future business.  

The details of your teamwork are dependent upon outstanding communication.  There can be no overlooking one tiniest request, a potential obstacle or untimely event.  Open communication and honesty are a steadfast requirement for client relations as well as retention and employee satisfaction within your company.

Today I am the unhappy client but am hopeful a better arrangement may be negotiated for a happy conclusion.  I’m taking the leadership role to find the solution.  The following example stems from poor communication within the hired team.

Originally I was told to schedule a moving van for 3 days prior to desired travel.  Giving this some thought, I questioned the reality of a cross-country move in 3 days.  Supposedly, the moving team was consulted and then assured the coordinator that 7 days would secure the firm move-in date.  But to my dismay, I learned that delivery may not take place until 3 weeks later.  Happy I’m not.

The original documentation was saved and emailed back to the coordinator to negotiate a settlement of acceptable date.  To do so one needs to be relaxed and make concessions in order to find a happy ending.  Fingers are crossed that it becomes a smooth transition.

The moving team itself was outstanding, and I let the coordinator know that too.Should all be set straight, I will be thankful and post a nice testimonial.

Dedicating yourself to building a happy clientele leads to the Smooth Sale!

Read Addtional Strategies and Techniques:

Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets ResultsSourcebooks

HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On InterviewsCareer Press




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